during the first loop, it is just getting the dimensions, mainly of nobs
which seems like this should already be known, but even still, this could be popped from a sequence on the 2nd loop which would eliminate redundant code and try-except blocks.
def get_covariance(datargs, outargs, vargs, datvar, outvar):
Get covariance matrix.
:param datargs: data arguments
:param outargs: output arguments
:param vargs: variable arguments
:param datvar: variance of data arguments
:param outvar: variance of output arguments
:return: covariance
# number of formula arguments that are not constant
argn = len(vargs)
# number of observations must be the same for all vargs
nobs = 1
c = []
for m in xrange(argn):
a = vargs[m]
a = datargs[a]
except (KeyError, TypeError):
a = outargs[a]
avar = outvar[a]
avar = datvar[a]
c.append([]) # add a list
for n in xrange(argn):
b = vargs[n]
b = datargs[b]
except (KeyError, TypeError):
b = outargs[b]
c.append(avar.get(b, 0.0)) # add covariance to sequence
nobs = max(nobs, len(c))
except (TypeError, ValueError):
LOGGER.debug('c of %s vs %s = %g', a, b, c)
# covariance matrix is initially zeros
cov = np.zeros((nobs, argn, argn))
# loop over arguments in both directions, fill in covariance
for m in xrange(argn):
d = c.pop()
for n in xrange(argn):
cov[:, argn-1-m, argn-1-n] = d.pop()
if nobs == 1:
cov = cov.squeeze() # squeeze out any extra dimensions
LOGGER.debug('covariance:\n%r', cov)
return cov