Nice work so far. In trying to get my head around what this is aiming to do and having a play with it, I have some questions:
- I think that the tool
openrpc generate
command is used to generate what's in rust/bindings/src/, I suppose off a current forest openrpc spec?
a. I couldn't get it to work with the lotus one you bundled, is that because it doesn't clearly conform to spec? Is there an easy way to see those problems so we can address them individually? The failure and backtrace doesn't really help much in understanding that.
b. The output for forest v0 doesn't seem to have newlines at all; is this meant to be auto formatted later on? What's the workflow here to generate these?
c. How can we use this generate process to check the openrpc spec of the node being pointed to? The ideal seems to be that we converge on a single subset API and we should be able to just poke the node and see that it has that subset and they are properly defined.
d. Is it intended that you'd manually verify the bindings once generated since they seem to be a critical piece here. - Some docs on how to run it would be good, I eventually figured out that you need a config that this minimal version would do:
{"v0":{ "url": "http://localhost:1234/rpc/v0" }}
. Spitting out json-schema is a bit gnarly, maybe just an example in markdown would be good. - Can you give some thoughts on what an expanded test suite would look like in here? How far do you imagine going in exercising and validating the API calls' responses; will it be enough for the purpose of this tool to just ensure that the call came back, and have the binding do the work of validating that the response was well-formed?
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