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File metadata and controls

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Creating a new GraphQL server project

  1. To begin, create a new project for our GraphQL server:

    • dotnet new sln --name ConferencePlanner
    • dotnet new web --name GraphQL
    • dotnet sln add GraphQL
  2. Update the launchSettings.json file in the Properties directory as follows:

    • Remove the iisSettings and the IIS Express profile.
    • Change launchBrowser to false in the http and https profiles.
    • Change the HTTP port to 5000 and the HTTPS port to 7000, in the applicationUrl properties.
  3. Add the following to the <PropertyGroup> in GraphQL.csproj:

  4. Add a new directory named Data where we will place all of our database-related code:

    mkdir GraphQL/Data
  5. Add a new file Speaker.cs in the Data directory using the following code:

    using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
    namespace ConferencePlanner.GraphQL.Data;
    public sealed class Speaker
        public int Id { get; init; }
        public required string Name { get; init; }
        public string? Bio { get; init; }
        public string? Website { get; init; }
  6. Add a reference to the following NuGet packages:

    • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational version 9.0.3.
      • dotnet add GraphQL package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational --version 9.0.3
    • Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL version 9.0.4.
      • dotnet add GraphQL package Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL --version 9.0.4
  7. Next, create a new Entity Framework Core DbContext class named ApplicationDbContext in the Data directory, using the following code:

    using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
    namespace ConferencePlanner.GraphQL.Data;
    public sealed class ApplicationDbContext(DbContextOptions<ApplicationDbContext> options)
        : DbContext(options)
        public DbSet<Speaker> Speakers { get; init; }
  8. Create a docker-compose.yml file at the root of the solution, with the following contents, for running a PostgreSQL server:

    name: graphql-workshop
        container_name: graphql-workshop-postgres
        image: postgres:17.4
          POSTGRES_USER: graphql_workshop
          POSTGRES_PASSWORD: secret
          POSTGRES_DB: graphql_workshop
        networks: [graphql-workshop]
        ports: ["5432:5432"]
          - type: volume
            source: postgres-data
            target: /var/lib/postgresql/data
        name: graphql-workshop

Registering the DB Context Service

Replace the code in Program.cs with the following:

using GraphQL.Data;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

        options => options.UseNpgsql("Host=;Username=graphql_workshop;Password=secret"));

var app = builder.Build();


Line 7 registers the ApplicationDbContext service so that it can be injected into resolvers.

Configuring EF Migrations

  1. Add a reference to the NuGet package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design version 9.0.3:

    • dotnet add GraphQL package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design --version 9.0.3
  2. Start the database server using Docker Compose:

    docker compose up --detach

Option 1 - Command line

  1. Install the Entity Framework Core tool (dotnet-ef) using the following commands:

    dotnet new tool-manifest
    dotnet tool install dotnet-ef --local --version 9.0.3
  2. Run the following commands in the command prompt:

    dotnet build
    dotnet ef migrations add Initial --project GraphQL
    dotnet ef database update --project GraphQL

Option 2 - Visual Studio: Package Manager Console

  1. In Visual Studio, select Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager Console.

  2. Run the following commands in the Package Manager Console:

    Add-Migration Initial

Commands Explained

Command Description
dotnet ef migrations add Initial / Add-Migration Initial Generates code to create the initial database schema based on the model specified in ApplicationDbContext.cs. Initial is the name of the migration.
dotnet ef database update / Update-Database Creates the database.

If your database ever gets in a bad state and you'd like to reset things, you can use dotnet ef database drop --project GraphQL followed by dotnet ef database update --project GraphQL to remove your database and run all migrations again.

Adding GraphQL

  1. Add a reference to the following NuGet packages:

    • HotChocolate.AspNetCore version 15.1.0.
      • dotnet add GraphQL package HotChocolate.AspNetCore --version 15.1.0
    • HotChocolate.AspNetCore.CommandLine version 15.1.0
      • dotnet add GraphQL package HotChocolate.AspNetCore.CommandLine --version 15.1.0
    • HotChocolate.Types.Analyzers version 15.1.0
      • dotnet add GraphQL package HotChocolate.Types.Analyzers --version 15.1.0
  2. Set up GraphQL by adding the following code below AddDbContext in Program.cs:


    The above code adds a GraphQL server configuration to the dependency injection container.

  3. Next we need to configure the GraphQL middleware so that the server knows how to execute GraphQL requests. For this, add the following code below var app in Program.cs:


    Also, replace app.Run(); with await app.RunWithGraphQLCommandsAsync(args);.

    Your Program.cs should now look like the following:

    using ConferencePlanner.GraphQL.Data;
    using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
    var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
            options => options.UseNpgsql("Host=;Username=graphql_workshop;Password=secret"))
    var app = builder.Build();
    await app.RunWithGraphQLCommandsAsync(args);

Adding a Query

  1. Create a Queries class (Queries.cs) and add a query that fetches all of our speakers:

    using ConferencePlanner.GraphQL.Data;
    using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
    namespace ConferencePlanner.GraphQL;
    public static class Queries
        public static async Task<IEnumerable<Speaker>> GetSpeakersAsync(
            ApplicationDbContext dbContext,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            return await dbContext.Speakers.AsNoTracking().ToListAsync(cancellationToken);
  2. Register our types by adding the following code below AddGraphQLServer in Program.cs:


    This registers all types in the assembly using a source generator (HotChocolate.Types.Analyzers).

    Note: The name of the AddGraphQLTypes method is based on the assembly name by default, but can be changed using the [Module] assembly attribute.

  3. Start the server:

    • dotnet run --project GraphQL

    Start GraphQL server

  4. Start Nitro or use it built into your browser at http://localhost:5000/graphql/, and connect to our server.

    Connect to GraphQL server with Nitro

  5. Click the Browse Schema button, switch to the Column View, and navigate to Query -> speakers to view the return type of the speakers field.

    Explore GraphQL schema with Nitro

Adding a Mutation

So far we have added a query to our schema, which allows us to query speakers. However, at this point, there is no way to add or modify any data. In this section, we are going to add a mutation for adding new speakers to our database.

For mutations we are using the Relay mutation pattern.

Relay uses a common pattern for mutations, where there are root fields on the mutation type with a single argument, input.

By convention, mutations are named as verbs, their inputs are the name with Input appended at the end, and they return an object that is the name with Payload appended.

A mutation consists of three components, the input, the payload, and the mutation itself. In our case we want to create a mutation named addSpeaker.

So, for our addSpeaker mutation, we create two types: AddSpeakerInput and AddSpeakerPayload.

  1. Add a file named AddSpeakerInput.cs to your project with the following code:

    namespace ConferencePlanner.GraphQL;
    public sealed record AddSpeakerInput(
        string Name,
        string? Bio,
        string? Website);
  2. Next, we add our AddSpeakerPayload, which represents the output of our GraphQL mutation by adding the following code to AddSpeakerPayload.cs:

    using ConferencePlanner.GraphQL.Data;
    namespace ConferencePlanner.GraphQL;
    public sealed class AddSpeakerPayload(Speaker speaker)
        public Speaker Speaker { get; } = speaker;
  3. Now let's add the actual mutation type with our addSpeaker mutation in it, to a file named Mutations.cs:

    using ConferencePlanner.GraphQL.Data;
    namespace ConferencePlanner.GraphQL;
    public static class Mutations
        public static async Task<AddSpeakerPayload> AddSpeakerAsync(
            AddSpeakerInput input,
            ApplicationDbContext dbContext,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var speaker = new Speaker
                Name = input.Name,
                Bio = input.Bio,
                Website = input.Website
            await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);
            return new AddSpeakerPayload(speaker);
  4. Start the server again in order to validate if it is working properly:

    dotnet run --project GraphQL
  5. Explore the changes to the schema with Nitro. There should now be a mutation type and the addSpeaker mutation.

    GraphQL type explorer

  6. Next, in the Operation tab Request pane, add a speaker by writing a GraphQL mutation:

    mutation AddSpeaker {
        input: {
          name: "Speaker name"
          bio: "Speaker bio"
          website: ""
      ) {
        speaker {

    Add speaker

  7. Query the names of all the speakers in the database:

    query GetSpeakerNames {
      speakers {

    Query speaker names


In this first session, you have learned how you can create a simple GraphQL project on top of ASP.NET Core. You have leveraged Entity Framework to create your models and save those to the database. Together, ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework, and Hot Chocolate let you build a simple GraphQL server quickly.

Session #2 - Understanding DataLoader >>