Description has the ability to load traces over XHR from any host that's providing the JSON with proper CORS headers. (The google drive integration is designed to set the right permission and use the undocumented (lol) URL that is served with CORS headers.
Ideally though, folks would be able to POST a trace to a public endpoint. That would, in turn, provide a URL where the trace is now available. And then it's just a matter of opening<hosted trace url>
I'd be happy to foot the bill for this for now, and I feel confident I can secure a long-term billing situation.
Strawman proposal:
- service must be deployable on Google Cloud or Firebase
- javascript would be nice, though python could do in a pinch
- Maybe we set an expectation that traces will be deleted after 3 months or something?
User flow:
- POST a trace to
- Once uploaded the server validates that the data looks good
- e.g. It appears to be JSON and roughly starts with
- e.g. It appears to be JSON and roughly starts with
- If it's a valid, the 200 response is the new url:
- We do sweet UUIDs like gfycat-style-urls?
- If it's invalid or there's a problem, respond with 500
- The client can then do whatever it needs with the trace URL, like creating the new timeline-viewer URL
I'm open to all ideas on the above. :)
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