CircleCI CLI Version:
.1.30995+77b1f51 (homebrew)
Operating System:
MacOS Sequoia
CircleCI CLI Diagnostic:
CircleCI CLI Diagnostics
Debugger mode: false
Config found: /Users/jhirn/.circleci/cli.yml
API host:
API endpoint: graphql-unstable
OK, got a token.
Trying an introspection query on API...
Hello, You Handsome Man
Current behavior:
I'm trying to run my circle build locally it can't download the image cimg/ruby:335-browser
due to the architecture being different. I've got Rosetta installed, latest docker desktop, and have run linux/amd64
images via docker
and docker-compose
, but I can't figure how to set the platform for circleci
via args or even updating config.yml
Feels like this shouldn't be to hard to figure out but I searched discussion forums and this issue board for a while. Happpy to shre my entire config.yml if necessary.
Expected behavior:
It should respect DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64
, a --platform arg to cli, or be configurable via config.yml
When did this begin / Was this previously working?:
Forever. I gave up a few months ago trying to get this working but would like to get it resolved.