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Deploy Blockscout with a user-friendly UI and all microservices

⭐ Manual Deployment Guide

{% hint style="success" %} 📗 This guide walks you through a new Blockscout deployment including the user-friendly UI frontend and installation of all microservices. If you'd prefer a more automated approach see the docker-compose deployment page. {% endhint %}

A. Prerequisites

{% hint style="warning" %} Please familiarize yourself with the general requirements, db storage requirements, JSON RPC requirements and Client setting requirements before installing Blockscout. {% endhint %}

Minimum Local Hardware Requirements

  • CPU: 4core / 8core
  • RAM: 8GB / 16GB / 32GB
  • DISK: 120gb or 500GB NVME SSD or Standart SSD
  • OS: Linux, MacOS

Hosting Environment Hardware Requirements

If you are running Blockscout on a cloud server or other remote environment, see the Hardware and Hosting Requirements

Software Dependencies

For Erlang/Elixir, asdf is recommended to install and set the appropriate versions. Note the supported versions for Erlang/Elixir/Node are specified in the .tool-versions file. Additional Instructions for setting up the environment are available for Ubuntu and MacOS.

Dependency Mac Linux
Erlang/OTP 25 brew install erlang Erlang Install Example
Elixir 1.14.x brew install elixir Elixir Install Example
Postgres 12, 13, 14 brew install postgresql Postgres Install Example
Node.js 18.x.x brew install node Node.js Install Example
Automake brew install automake Automake Install Example
Libtool brew install libtool Libtool Install Example
Inotify-tools Not Required Ubuntu - apt-get install inotify-tools
GCC Compiler brew install gcc GCC Compiler Example
GMP brew install gmp Install GMP Devel
Make - sudo apt install makeif Debian 9
G++ Compiler - sudo apt install g++if Debian 9

B. Manual Deployment

The following guide contains 5 sections that cover a complete Blockcout installation.

  1. Prepare the backend
  2. Run microservices
  3. Add the microservices integration to backend
  4. Run the backend
  5. Run the frontend

1. Prepare the backend

1) Clone the repository
git clone blockscout-backend

2) Change directories
cd blockscout-backend

3) Provide DB URL with your username
export DATABASE_URL=postgresql://username:password@localhost:5432/blockscout

  • Linux: Update the database username and password configuration
  • Mac: Use logged-in user name and empty password (export DATABASE_URL=postgresql://username:@localhost:5432/blockscout )
  • Optional: Change credentials in apps/explorer/config/test.exs for test env
    Example usage: Changing the default Postgres port from localhost:5432 if Boxen is installed.

{% hint style="info" %} You can check the regex pattern for the db url via with the following regular expression:

{% code overflow="wrap" %}


{% endcode %}

{% endhint %}

4) Install Mix dependencies and compile
mix do deps.get, local.rebar --force, deps.compile

5) Generate a new secret_key_base for the DB
mix phx.gen.secret

6) Copy keybase and export as an env (for example)
export SECRET_KEY_BASE=VTIB3uHDNbvrY0+60ZWgUoUBKDn9ppLR8MI4CpRz4/qLyEFs54ktJfaNT6Z221No

7) Export remaining environment variables as needed.

CLI basic example:

export ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_HTTP_URL=http://localhost:8545
export API_V2_ENABLED=true
export PORT=3001 # set for local API usage
export COIN=yourcoin
export COIN_NAME=yourcoinname


8) Compile the application:
mix compile

9) If not already running, start Postgres: pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start or brew services start postgresql

{% hint style="success" %} Check postgres status: pg_isready {% endhint %}

10) Create and migrate database
mix do ecto.create, ecto.migrate

{% hint style="danger" %} If you are in dev environment and have run the application previously with a different blockchain, drop the previous database:

mix do ecto.drop, ecto.create, ecto.migrate

Be careful since this will delete all data from the DB. Don't execute it on production if you don't want to lose all of the data! {% endhint %}

11) Install Node.js dependencies

{% hint style="info" %} Optional: If preferred, use npm ci rather than npm install to strictly follow all package versions in package-lock.json. {% endhint %}

cd apps/block_scout_web/assets; npm install && node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --mode production; cd -

cd apps/explorer && npm install; cd -

12) Build static assets for deployment

mix phx.digest

13) Enable HTTPS in development. The Phoenix server only runs with HTTPS.

cd apps/block_scout_web; mix phx.gen.cert blockscout blockscout.local; cd -

14) Add blockscout and blockscout.local to your /etc/hosts       localhost blockscout blockscout.local broadcasthost

   ::1             localhost blockscout blockscout.local

{% hint style="info" %} If using Chrome, Enable chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost {% endhint %}

{% hint style="success" %} 🎉 This completes the backend setup! Proceed to setup microservices. {% endhint %}

2. Run Microservices

You will use Docker to run 4 Rust microservices: smart-contract verification, smart-contract sol2uml visualizer, sig-provider, and stats services. These add additional functionality to your instance once everything is connected.


  • Docker v20.10+
  • Docker-compose 2.x.x+


  1. Go to the docker-compose directory
    cd ./blockscout-backend/docker-compose
  2. run docker-compose
    docker-compose -f microservices.yml up -d




A visualizer for smart contracts.


A separate smart contract verification service.

it should return the list of compilers (click to see the sample response)

{% code overflow="wrap" %}


{% endcode %}

  • You can also use the Blockscout endpoint for smart-contract verification if you prefer (instructions in the integration section)

{% hint style="warning" %} To stop all microservices, run docker-compose -f microservices.yml down {% endhint %}

{% hint style="info" %} To troubleshoot issues with a container, run docker ps to check which containers are not starting.

Check logs with docker logs visualizer -f {% endhint %}

3. Add the microservices integration to the backend

Add the microservices env variables to the backend. Use the export command to add.

export MICROSERVICE_SC_VERIFIER_URL=http://localhost:8082/
export MICROSERVICE_VISUALIZE_SOL2UML_URL=http://localhost:8081/
export MICROSERVICE_SIG_PROVIDER_URL=http://localhost:8083/

{% hint style="info" %} The Blockscout team also provides an endpoint for smart-contract verification. To use, set the following for the MICROSERVICE_SC_VERIFIER envs {% endhint %}

export MICROSERVICE_SC_VERIFIER_TYPE=eth_bytecode_db

{% hint style="success" %} 🎉 This completes the microservices setup! Proceed to run the backend and frontend. {% endhint %}

4. Run backend

  1. Return to the blockscout-backend directory ./blockscout-backend
  2. Run mix phx.server

The API will be available at http://localhost:3001/api/

5. Run frontend

The frontend can be added to the same high-level directory as the blockscout-backend or a different directory of your choice.

  1. clone the blockscout frontend repository
    git clone blockscout-frontend
  2. change directories
    cd blockscout-frontend
  3. create a .env file, for example
    touch .env
  4. Add this minimal set of required env variables (additional variables are available here)
  1. install dependencies
    yarn install
  2. run frontend
    yarn dev

{% hint style="success" %} 🎉 Once completed, the frontend should be available at http://localhost:3000 {% endhint %}
