a koa middleware for swagger spec validate
demo: https://github.com/CoderIdiot/swagger-koa-validation-demo
use with the koa:
import Koa from "koa"
import ValidatorFactory from "swagger-koa-validate"
const $RefParser = require("json-schema-ref-parser")
* Read the API, and init the validate
const app = new Koa()
let parser = new $RefParser()
parser.dereference(__dirname + "/../api/api.yml", "utf-8").then(
spec => {
let validate = ValidatorFactory(spec)
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
try {
await next()
} catch (error) {
ctx.status = error.status || 400
ctx.body = { message: error.message }
console.log("Error", error.status, error.message)
app.use(ctx => {
ctx.body = "hello world"
err => console.log(err)