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CameraPreview control not working on WinUI 3 #4577




Describe the bug

The Problem :

CameraPreview from CommunityToolkit.WinUI.UI.Controls ( which I managed to make it work perfectly fine under UWP on the same computer ) is unable to show frames from the camera.

Output from Debug :

When the StartAsync() method is initiated I get multiple instance of the following error ( see screenshots section ) :
avcore\mf\frameserver\fsutils\fsutils.cpp(362)\MFSENSORGROUP.dll!5F640094: (caller: 5F61190D) ReturnHr(1) tid(49e4) 80070490 Element not found.

avcore\mf\frameserver\fsutils\fsutils.cpp(639)\MFSENSORGROUP.dll!5F640610: (caller: 5F613F90) ReturnHr(4) tid(49e4) 80070002 The system cannot find the file specified.


No response

Reproducible in sample app?

  • This bug can be reproduced in the sample app.

Steps to reproduce

You can directly try yourself by using the public repositories i created :
- WinUI version (not working) :
- UWP version (working):

The steps I followed:
- create a blank app from WinUI template using Visual Studio Community 2022 (17.2.3)
- Install the toolkit using the following article : with of curse all Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.* renamed to be CommunityToolkit.WinUI.* .
- Add a Button and a CameraPreview
- Add a function to start the camera preview on the click of the button

Expected behavior

Get a frame like the uwp control (see the screenshot section)


WinUI version of the app output (not working) :


UWP version of the app output (working):


Windows Build Number

  • Windows 10 1809 (Build 17763)
  • Windows 10 1903 (Build 18362)
  • Windows 10 1909 (Build 18363)
  • Windows 10 2004 (Build 19041)
  • Windows 10 20H2 (Build 19042)
  • Windows 10 21H1 (Build 19043)
  • Windows 11 21H2 (Build 22000)
  • Other (specify)

Other Windows Build number

No response

App minimum and target SDK version

  • Windows 10, version 1809 (Build 17763)
  • Windows 10, version 1903 (Build 18362)
  • Windows 10, version 1909 (Build 18363)
  • Windows 10, version 2004 (Build 19041)
  • Other (specify)

Other SDK version

No response

Visual Studio Version

No response

Visual Studio Build Number

No response

Device form factor

No response

Nuget packages

  • CommunityToolkit.WinUI (7.1.2)
  • CommunityToolkit.WinUI.UI.Controls (7.1.2)
  • Microsoft.Windows.SDK.BuildTools (10.0.22000.197)
  • Microsoft.WindowsAppSDK (1.1.0)

Additional context

Attempt to fix it :

After some research I came to the understanding that MFSENSORGROUP.dll is from the Microsoft Media Foundation or Media Feature Pack.

So I updated Windows and check for integrety of the system to see if it was a problem with my own computer / version of windows, This attempt did not fix the problem.

I also did a quick search on my C: drive ( were the OS is installed ) and found many instance of the mfsensorgroup.dll so maybe the CommunityToolkit use a wrong path to find the dll.

Looking forward for any help, thank you ! 😊

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    WinUI 💠Related to WinUI 3 Version or when paired with External can mean requires fix in WinUI 2/3.external ⤴️Requires an update to an external dependency or due to code outside the Toolkit.


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