Describe the bug
When moving to the next cell using Tab, the cell is not fully scrolled-into-view nor has one of its edges snapped to the DataGrid's viewport.
No response
Reproducible in sample app?
- This bug can be reproduced in the sample app.
Steps to reproduce
1. launch u14311.Windows
2. resize the app window until roughly only 2 rows can be displayed
3. select R1C1 first cell from first row
4. spam <kbd>Tab</kbd>
Expected behavior
The cell should be fully visible, or have one of its edge snapped to the data-grid's viewport.
Windows Build Number
- Windows 10 1809 (Build 17763)
- Windows 10 1903 (Build 18362)
- Windows 10 1909 (Build 18363)
- Windows 10 2004 (Build 19041)
- Windows 10 20H2 (Build 19042)
- Windows 10 21H1 (Build 19043)
- Windows 11 21H2 (Build 22000)
- Other (specify)
Other Windows Build number
No response
App minimum and target SDK version
- Windows 10, version 1809 (Build 17763)
- Windows 10, version 1903 (Build 18362)
- Windows 10, version 1909 (Build 18363)
- Windows 10, version 2004 (Build 19041)
- Other (specify)
Other SDK version
No response
Visual Studio Version
Visual Studio Build Number
No response
Device form factor
No response
Nuget packages
Additional context
In repro for this problem to manifest, the cell's should have a significant difference in size between its normal and edit mode.
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