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Electronic Voting Notification Server

Rust server to send websocket notifications to the frontend

Compiling and Running

You will need to install Rust by following the directions on the main website. If you want to add the Rust utilities to your path, you will need to manually run ~/.cargo/env, or you can edit your .bashrc file to run this script automatically.

You will also need to install the following shared libraries:

  • - OpenSSL development library. Install openssl-devel (Fedora) or libssl-dev (Debian)

Finally, run cargo build from the root directory to compile the source code. All of the additional frameworks listed will be installed automatically when you first build the project. Be sure to compile the code using at least Rust 1.55. The code can be compiled using the stable channel. If you are compiling for a production build, you should compile the code using cargo build --release instead.

Once the code is built, you can run the server using cargo run (development server) or cargo run --release (production server). You can also optionally specify command-line arguments (Like --port or --host), which override any environment values specified in the .env files. Use the --help flag to list all command-line options

Environment Variables

For running the notifications server, you will need to specify certain environment variables. This can be done using the following files:

  • .env - Environment variables shared by both development and production systems
  • .env.development - Environment variables only on development system
  • .env.production - Environment variables only on production system

Alternatively, these values can be passed in using command-line parameters when running the notifications server. The command-line parameters override any values set in the .env files.

Variable Command-line Flag Required Default Value Description
HOST --host, -h No IP address to use for running the notification server. If you use the localhost IP address, then you cannot connect to the API server from an external location. This must be an IP address and not a domain name.
PORT --port, -p No 3005 Port number for the notification server.
USE_HTTPS --use-https No false If true, then use HTTPS instead of HTTP for API requests. HTTPS encryption is performed using the OpenSSL library.
KEY_FILE --key-file Only If USE_HTTPS Private key file for OpenSSL. This should be an unencrypted .pem file.
CERT_FILE --cert-file Only If USE_HTTPS Certificate file for OpenSSL. This should be the unencrypted .pem file generated using the private key. For compatibility with some applications, this should be the full chain file and not just the certificate.
JWT_SECRET --jwt-secret, -s No Hidden... Secret value for signing the JSON Web Token

Code Structure

Main files in the /src directory:

  • - Entry point for the notification server executable
  • - Entry point for the shared library
  • - Handle environment variables

Main folders in the /src directory:

  • /auth - Structures and functions for authentication and authorization using JSON Web Tokens
  • /errors - Structures and functions for error handling across the application
  • /handlers - All REST API handlers
  • /notifications - Structures and functions for pushing WebSocket notifications to the frontend

Note: The notification server compiles both a shared library and a main executable. Using this structure enables other binary utilities (/src/bin directory) to access the data types and API handlers. Although this project doesn't have any utilities currently, this may be useful in the future.

Other important files:

All data types in must implement either the GlobalEvent or ElectionEvent trait. These traits provides a generic way for the websocket handler to convert server notifications into data sent to the frontend. The into_output() method defines the data structure that will be sent to the client. Additionally, the protected() method can be overridden to only send the event to a given user ID. The list of all events are defined in the GlobalEvents and ElectionEvents enums.

See the Server file for more details on authentication and error handling.