We will definitely have people who use kiara via its python API in jupyter notebooks, regardless of whether we think this is technically a good idea. We need to document:
- who should use kiara via jupyter, for what purposes and what do we assume they know about how to use python?
- pitfalls we are aware of when using kiara via jupyter, for example that you lose lineage if you do any other operations.
- anything special that kiara does to support jupyter? (is there already something special to support rendering? does there need to be?)
(docs that I think we were already planning on making)
- what the python API to access kiara is, and how to use it
- some common recipes for things they might want to do (see all the how-to do X via the python API issues/articles)
- maybe how to find/install plugins?
@MariellaCC does this cover everything you think an end-user would need to know to use kiara via jupyter successfully?