145 | 145 | "hud.kronhud.playerhud.info": "Renders a smaller version of the player model",
146 | 146 | "hud.kronhud.irltimehud": "IRLTime HUD",
147 | 147 | "hud.kronhud.reachhud": "Reach HUD",
| 148 | + "hud.kronhud.irltimehud.info": "Shows the real current time", |
| 149 | + "hud.kronhud.reachhud.info": "Shows how far away your last hit was", |
148 | 150 | "texts.kronhud.optiontype.info.hudconfig": "Enable/Disable this module from showing. Modify specific options by clicking the gear.",
149 | 151 | "kronhud.component.toggle.true": "&aActive",
150 | 152 | "kronhud.component.toggle.false": "&cDisabled",
178 | 180 | "kronhud.option.anchorpoint.middleright.info": "Middle right point",
179 | 181 | "kronhud.option.anchorpoint.bottomleft.info": "Bottom left corner",
180 | 182 | "kronhud.option.anchorpoint.bottommiddle.info": "Bottom middle point",
181 |
| - "kronhud.option.anchorpoint.bottomright.info": "Bottom right point" |
| 183 | + "kronhud.option.anchorpoint.bottomright.info": "Bottom right point", |
| 184 | + |
| 185 | + "hud.kronhud.compasshud": "Compass HUD", |
| 186 | + "hud.kronhud.tpshud": "TPS HUD", |
| 187 | + "hud.kronhud.combohud": "Combo HUD", |
| 188 | + |
| 189 | + "hud.kronhud.compasshud.info": " Displays current looking direction", |
| 190 | + "hud.kronhud.tpshud.info": "Displays the estimated server TPS", |
| 191 | + "hud.kronhud.combohud.info": "Display current combo information", |
| 192 | + |
| 193 | + "option.kronhud.minwidth.comment": "Minimum width of the component (it will automatically expand)", |
| 194 | + "option.kronhud.irltimehud.dateformat.comment": "Date format to render time from. This works with any specification from the &dJava 8 Date Time Formatter\n&7https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/time/format/DateTimeFormatter.html", |
| 195 | + |
| 196 | + "option.kronhud.compasshud.width": "Width", |
| 197 | + "option.kronhud.compasshud.invert": "Invert Direction", |
| 198 | + "option.kronhud.compasshud.lookingbox": "Degrees Indicator Color", |
| 199 | + "option.kronhud.compasshud.degreescolor": "Degrees Text Color", |
| 200 | + "option.kronhud.compasshud.cardinalcolor": "Cardinal Direction Color", |
| 201 | + "option.kronhud.compasshud.semicardinalcolor": "Intercardinal Color", |
| 202 | + "option.kronhud.compasshud.majorindicator": "Major Indicator Color", |
| 203 | + "option.kronhud.compasshud.minorindicator": "Minor Indicator Color", |
| 204 | + "option.kronhud.compasshud.showdegrees": "Show Degrees", |
| 205 | + |
| 206 | + "option.kronhud.compasshud.width.comment": "Width of the compass element", |
| 207 | + "option.kronhud.compasshud.invert.comment": "Inverts the direction that the compass moves", |
| 208 | + "option.kronhud.compasshud.lookingbox.comment": "The color of the small line on the display in the direct center", |
| 209 | + "option.kronhud.compasshud.degreescolor.comment": "The color of the degrees text below the center", |
| 210 | + "option.kronhud.compasshud.cardinalcolor.comment": "The color of &7N E S W", |
| 211 | + "option.kronhud.compasshud.semicardinalcolor.comment": "The color of &7NE SE SW NW", |
| 212 | + "option.kronhud.compasshud.majorindicator.comment": "The color of the long lines (every 90 degrees)", |
| 213 | + "option.kronhud.compasshud.minorindicator.comment": "The color of the short lines (every 15 degrees)", |
| 214 | + "option.kronhud.compasshud.showdegrees.comment": "Displays the current degree of rotation", |
| 215 | + |
| 216 | + "option.kronhud.general.edithud.info": "Keybind to open the screen to edit the HUD", |
| 217 | + "option.kronhud.scoreboardhud.toppadding": "Top Padding", |
| 218 | + "option.kronhud.scoreboardhud.toppadding.comment": "Padding around the title component on the scoreboard", |
| 219 | + |
| 220 | + "option.kronhud.playerhud.dynamicrotation": "Dynamic Rotation", |
| 221 | + "option.kronhud.playerhud.dynamicrotation.comment": "Rotation of the player is shown and then slowly turns back to looking straight" |
182 | 222 | }
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