Current behaviour
When datadog tracing is configured manually on the schema as described in docs it doesn't apply the custom service option, instead it applies the service name from the global configuration.
This is not on par with graphql's own tracer (trace_with GraphQL::Tracing::DataDogTrace, service: 'my-service-name'
) which is no longer recommended to be used for the latest version of datadog & graphql gems.
Since this solution of providing service name via options was recommended at version 2.1.11 it is more likely this is a bug in the unified tracer.
Will result in the service name being set to default value of nil
Service: nil
Expected behaviour
Service: 'my-service-name'
Steps to reproduce
For example having a schema configured like this and no other instrumentation for graphql configured
class YourSchema < GraphQL::Schema
trace_with Datadog::Tracing::Contrib::GraphQL::UnifiedTrace, service: 'my-service-name'
- datadog version: 2.7.0
- Configuration block:
Datadog.configure do |c|
env_name = Rails.env
c.env = env_name
c.runtime_metrics.enabled = true
c.runtime_metrics.statsd = DATADOG_STATSD_CLIENT
c.service = app_name
c.tags = {
'application' => app_name,
'environment' => env_name,
c.tracing.instrument :rails, service_name: app_name, request_queuing: true
- Ruby version: 3.3.4
- Operating system: osx, debian
- Relevant library versions: graphql: 2.4.3