diff --git a/dbt/adapters/clickhouse/dbclient.py b/dbt/adapters/clickhouse/dbclient.py
index ba252d03..1355db86 100644
--- a/dbt/adapters/clickhouse/dbclient.py
+++ b/dbt/adapters/clickhouse/dbclient.py
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ def __init__(self, credentials: ClickHouseCredentials):
"distributed_table": {},
"distributed_incremental": {},
"general": {},
+ "remote_table": {},
if (
not credentials.allow_automatic_deduplication
diff --git a/dbt/adapters/clickhouse/impl.py b/dbt/adapters/clickhouse/impl.py
index 0789413c..e9d0e306 100644
--- a/dbt/adapters/clickhouse/impl.py
+++ b/dbt/adapters/clickhouse/impl.py
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
from dbt_common.events.functions import warn_or_error
from dbt_common.exceptions import DbtInternalError, DbtRuntimeError, NotImplementedError
from dbt_common.utils import filter_null_values
+from dbt.contracts.graph.nodes import BaseNode
+from dbt.flags import get_flags
from dbt.adapters.clickhouse.cache import ClickHouseRelationsCache
from dbt.adapters.clickhouse.column import ClickHouseColumn, ClickHouseColumnChanges
@@ -117,8 +119,7 @@ def convert_time_type(cls, agate_table: "agate.Table", col_idx: int) -> str:
@available.parse(lambda *a, **k: {})
def get_clickhouse_cluster_name(self):
conn = self.connections.get_if_exists()
- if conn.credentials.cluster:
- return f'"{conn.credentials.cluster}"'
+ return conn.credentials.cluster
@available.parse(lambda *a, **k: {})
def get_clickhouse_local_suffix(self):
@@ -558,6 +559,16 @@ class ClickHouseDatabase:
comment: str
+def get_materialization(self):
+ flags = get_flags()
+ materialized = flags.vars.get('materialized')
+ return materialized or self.config.materialized
+# patches a BaseNode method to allow setting `materialized` config overrides via dbt flags
+BaseNode.get_materialization = get_materialization
def _expect_row_value(key: str, row: "agate.Row"):
if key not in row.keys():
raise DbtInternalError(f'Got a row without \'{key}\' column, columns: {row.keys()}')
diff --git a/dbt/adapters/clickhouse/relation.py b/dbt/adapters/clickhouse/relation.py
index 351275ba..ee6108f9 100644
--- a/dbt/adapters/clickhouse/relation.py
+++ b/dbt/adapters/clickhouse/relation.py
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ class ClickHouseRelation(BaseRelation):
quote_character: str = '`'
can_exchange: bool = False
can_on_cluster: bool = False
+ remote_cluster: Optional[str] = None
def __post_init__(self):
if self.database != self.schema and self.database:
diff --git a/dbt/include/clickhouse/macros/adapters.sql b/dbt/include/clickhouse/macros/adapters.sql
index a454e110..0bfc6c10 100644
--- a/dbt/include/clickhouse/macros/adapters.sql
+++ b/dbt/include/clickhouse/macros/adapters.sql
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
db.engine as db_engine,
{%- if adapter.get_clickhouse_cluster_name() -%}
count(distinct _shard_num) > 1 as is_on_cluster
- from clusterAllReplicas({{ adapter.get_clickhouse_cluster_name() }}, system.tables) as t
+ from clusterAllReplicas('{{ adapter.get_clickhouse_cluster_name() }}', system.tables) as t
join system.databases as db on t.database = db.name
where schema = '{{ schema_relation.schema }}'
group by name, schema, type, db_engine
diff --git a/dbt/include/clickhouse/macros/materializations/distributed_table.sql b/dbt/include/clickhouse/macros/materializations/distributed_table.sql
index d62c6242..1ad2cf66 100644
--- a/dbt/include/clickhouse/macros/materializations/distributed_table.sql
+++ b/dbt/include/clickhouse/macros/materializations/distributed_table.sql
@@ -86,24 +86,30 @@
{% endmaterialization %}
-{% macro create_distributed_table(relation, local_relation) %}
- {%- set cluster = adapter.get_clickhouse_cluster_name() -%}
- {% if cluster is none %}
- {% do exceptions.raise_compiler_error('Cluster name should be defined for using distributed materializations, current is None') %}
- {% endif %}
+{% macro create_distributed_table(relation, local_relation, sql=none) %}
+ {% if adapter.get_clickhouse_cluster_name() is none %}
+ {% do exceptions.raise_compiler_error('Cluster name should be defined for using distributed materializations, current is None') %}
+ {% endif %}
- {%- set cluster = cluster[1:-1] -%}
- {%- set sharding = config.get('sharding_key') -%}
- create or replace table {{ relation }} {{ on_cluster_clause(relation) }} as {{ local_relation }}
- ENGINE = Distributed('{{ cluster}}', '{{ local_relation.schema }}', '{{ local_relation.name }}'
- {%- if sharding is not none and sharding.strip() != '' -%}
- , {{ sharding }}
- {%- else %}
- , rand()
- {% endif -%}
- )
- {% endmacro %}
+ {%- set remote_cluster = local_relation.remote_cluster or adapter.get_clickhouse_cluster_name() -%}
+ {%- set sharding = config.get('sharding_key') -%}
+ {%- set reference = "as " ~ local_relation -%}
+ {%- if sql -%}
+ {%- set col_list = [] -%}
+ {%- for col in adapter.get_column_schema_from_query(sql) -%}
+ {%- do col_list.append(col.name + ' ' + col.data_type) -%}
+ {%- endfor -%}
+ {%- set reference = "(" ~ (col_list | join(', ')) ~ ")" -%}
+ {%- endif -%}
+ create or replace table {{ relation }} {{ on_cluster_clause(relation) }} {{ reference }}
+ engine = Distributed('{{ remote_cluster }}', '{{ local_relation.schema }}', '{{ local_relation.name }}'
+ {%- if sharding is not none and sharding.strip() != '' -%}
+ , {{ sharding }}
+ {%- else %}
+ , rand()
+ {% endif -%}
+ )
+{% endmacro %}
{% macro create_empty_table_from_relation(relation, source_relation, sql=none) -%}
{%- set sql_header = config.get('sql_header', none) -%}
diff --git a/dbt/include/clickhouse/macros/materializations/remote_table.sql b/dbt/include/clickhouse/macros/materializations/remote_table.sql
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..12ff8f9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dbt/include/clickhouse/macros/materializations/remote_table.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+{% materialization remote_table, adapter='clickhouse', supported_languages=['python', 'sql'] -%}
+ {%- set remote_config = config.require('remote_config') -%}
+ {%- set remote_cluster = remote_config.get('cluster') -%}
+ {%- set remote_schema = remote_config.get('local_db_prefix') + this.schema -%}
+ {%- set remote_identifier = this.identifier + remote_config.get('local_suffix') -%}
+ {%- set target_relation = this.incorporate(type='table') -%}
+ {%- set remote_relation = target_relation.incorporate(path={"identifier": remote_identifier, "schema": remote_schema}, remote_cluster=remote_cluster) -%}
+ {%- set existing_relation = load_cached_relation(this) -%}
+ {{ run_hooks(pre_hooks, inside_transaction=False) }}
+ {{ run_hooks(pre_hooks, inside_transaction=True) }}
+ {%- set column_changes = none -%}
+ {%- if existing_relation -%}
+ {%- set column_changes = adapter.check_incremental_schema_changes('ignore', existing_relation, sql) -%}
+ {%- endif -%}
+ {% call statement('main') %}
+ {%- if column_changes or existing_relation is none or should_full_refresh() -%}
+ {{ create_distributed_table(target_relation, remote_relation, sql) }}
+ {%- else -%}
+ {{ log("no-op run: distributed table exists with correct schema.", info=true) }}
+ select true;
+ {%- endif -%}
+ {% endcall %}
+ {% set should_revoke = should_revoke(target_relation, full_refresh_mode) %}
+ {% set grant_config = config.get('grants') %}
+ {% do apply_grants(target_relation, grant_config, should_revoke=should_revoke) %}
+ {% do persist_docs(target_relation, model) %}
+ {{ run_hooks(post_hooks, inside_transaction=True) }}
+ {{ adapter.commit() }}
+ {{ run_hooks(post_hooks, inside_transaction=False) }}
+ {{ return({'relations': [target_relation]}) }}
+{% endmaterialization %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/integration/adapter/remote_table/test_remote_table.py b/tests/integration/adapter/remote_table/test_remote_table.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b04b34eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/integration/adapter/remote_table/test_remote_table.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+import json
+import pytest
+from dbt.tests.util import run_dbt, run_dbt_and_capture, get_connection
+model = """
+ config(
+ remote_config={'cluster': 'test_shard', 'local_db_prefix': '_', 'local_suffix': '_local'},
+ sharding_key='key1',
+ )
+select toUInt64(number) as key1, toInt64(-number) as key2 from numbers(10)
+class TestRemoteTableRemoteConfig:
+ @pytest.fixture(scope="class")
+ def models(self):
+ return {
+ "remote_table.sql": model,
+ }
+ @pytest.fixture(scope="class")
+ def init_local_table(self, project):
+ project.run_sql(f"create database if not exists _{project.test_schema} on cluster test_shard")
+ project.run_sql(f"""
+ create table _{project.test_schema}.remote_table_local on cluster test_shard
+ (key1 UInt64, key2 Int64)
+ engine=MergeTree order by key1
+ """)
+ return
+ def test_with_remote_configuration(self, project, init_local_table):
+ # the created distributed table should point to a local table as defined in the model's `remote_config`
+ materialized_var = {"materialized": "remote_table"}
+ run_dbt(["run", "--vars", json.dumps(materialized_var)])
+ project.run_sql(f"""
+ insert into {project.test_schema}.remote_table
+ select toUInt64(number) as key1, toInt64(-number) as key2 from numbers(10)
+ """)
+ self._assert_is_distributed_table(project)
+ self._assert_correct_engine(project)
+ self._assert_correct_data(project)
+ # rerun (should be no-op)
+ _, log_output = run_dbt_and_capture(["run", "--vars", json.dumps(materialized_var)])
+ assert "no-op run" in log_output
+ @staticmethod
+ def _assert_is_distributed_table(project):
+ # check correct table creation on current host
+ result = project.run_sql(
+ f"select engine from system.tables where name='remote_table'",
+ fetch="one"
+ )
+ assert result is not None
+ assert result[0] == "Distributed"
+ @staticmethod
+ def _assert_correct_engine(project):
+ # assert correct engine parameters
+ result = project.run_sql(f"select create_table_query from system.tables where name='remote_table'", fetch="one")
+ assert f"Distributed('test_shard', '_{project.test_schema}', 'remote_table_local', key1)" in result[0]
+ @staticmethod
+ def _assert_correct_data(project):
+ # query remote data from distributed table
+ result = project.run_sql("select count(*) as num_rows from remote_table", fetch="one")
+ assert result[0] == 10
+class TestRemoteTableRemoteConfigReplicatedDB(TestRemoteTableRemoteConfig):
+ @pytest.fixture(scope="class")
+ def test_config(self, test_config):
+ test_config["db_engine"] = "Replicated('/clickhouse/databases/{uuid}', '{shard}', '{replica}')"
+ return test_config
+ @pytest.fixture(scope="class")
+ def init_local_table(self, project):
+ schema_name = f"_{project.test_schema}"
+ with get_connection(project.adapter):
+ relation = project.adapter.Relation.create(database=project.database, schema=schema_name)
+ project.adapter.create_schema(relation)
+ project.created_schemas.append(schema_name)
+ project.run_sql(f"""
+ create table _{project.test_schema}.remote_table_local
+ (key1 UInt64, key2 Int64)
+ engine=MergeTree order by key1
+ """)
diff --git a/tests/integration/test_config.xml b/tests/integration/test_config.xml
index 9f2aec4f..814fcc8b 100644
--- a/tests/integration/test_config.xml
+++ b/tests/integration/test_config.xml
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
+ /clickhouse/tables/{uuid}/{shard}
+ {replica}