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+[note] Explore the latest features on the DevExpress website: [What's New in the Latest Version](https://www.devexpress.com/subscriptions/whats-new).
\ No newline at end of file
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+Our new DevExtreme Chat Component (v24.2) allows you to address a variety of usage scenarios and introduce real-time communication support in your next DevExpress-powered web app.
+With DevExtreme Chat, you can:
+- Host intra/interpersonal Interactions (one-on-one or group chats). Ideal for social networking and/or internal collaboration.
+- Integrate AI services and/or Chatbots: Connect DevExtreme Chat to AI services or chatbots for around-the-clock support services. Deliver immediate answers and extend engagement with intelligent interactions.
+- Introduce instant communication options between support specialists and clients.
+The DevExtreme Chat component supports the following options/capabilities:
+- AI (artificial intelligence) Extensions
+- DataSource support
+- Typing status
+- Popup integration
+- Empty state text customization
+- UI Customization
+- Message templates
+- Error support
+- Accessibility compliance
+- Keyboard Navigation
+- Internationalization (Right-to-Left)
+[note] DevExtreme Chat is a client-side component. An independent backend solution is necessary to leverage its potential.
+#include btn-open-demo with {
+ href: "https://js.devexpress.com/Demos/WidgetsGallery/Demo/Chat/Overview/"
+### Set Initial Messages and Render New Messages
+To set initial messages, assign the [items](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxChat/Configuration/#items) array with your messages or use [dataSource](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxChat/Configuration/#dataSource) to bind the Chat component to data.
+To render a new message, you must:
+##### jQuery
+- If you use [items](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxChat/Configuration/#items), call the [renderMessage](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxChat/Methods/#renderMessagemessage) function.
+- If using [dataSource](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxChat/Configuration/#dataSource), implement load and insert CRUD operations.
+##### Angular
+- If you use [items](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxChat/Configuration/#items), update the items array.
+- If using [dataSource](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxChat/Configuration/#dataSource), implement load and insert CRUD operations.
+##### Vue
+- If you use [items](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxChat/Configuration/#items), update the items array.
+- If using [dataSource](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxChat/Configuration/#dataSource), implement load and insert CRUD operations.
+##### React
+- If you use [items](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxChat/Configuration/#items), update the items array.
+- If using [dataSource](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxChat/Configuration/#dataSource), implement load and insert CRUD operations.
+Regardless of the method used, you must send the new message to a backend.
+### AI and Chatbot Integration
+With the DevExtreme Chat UI component, you can incorporate AI-powered app assistants, implement Copilot-inspired user interfaces, and much more. To introduce these capabilities to your next DevExtreme-powered web app, simply set up appropriate AI services on the backend (Microsoft/OpenAI - GPT, Google - Gemini, self-hosted models via Ollama, or other AI services).
+#include btn-open-demo with {
+ href: "https://js.devexpress.com/Demos/WidgetsGallery/Demo/Chat/AIAndChatbotIntegration/"
+We leveraged the AI-integration potential of DevExtreme Chat in two DevExpress products: [Web Report Viewer](https://www.devexpress.com/subscriptions/reporting/web/) and [Web End-User Report Designer](https://www.devexpress.com/subscriptions/reporting/web/). We also incorporated [DevExpress AI-powered APIs](https://docs.devexpress.com/CoreLibraries/405204/ai-powered-extensions?v=24.2) in our implementation.
+First, we embedded a Copilot-inspired chat window within the DevExpress Web Report Viewer (users can ask natural language questions to analyze report data and obtain AI-powered insights).
+Second, we embedded a virtual assistant in the DevExpress End-User Report Designer (users can submit natural language queries to facilitate the custom report design process).
+You can download these examples from the following GitHub repository:
+#include btn-open-github with {
+ href: "https://github.com/DevExpress-Examples/web-reporting-integrate-ai-assistant"
+[note] DevExpress Reports, DevExpress Web Report Viewer, and the DevExpress End-User Report Designer are included in the following DevExpress Subscriptions: **ASP.NET & Blazor, DXperience, Universal**, or a standalone **DevExpress Reports** subscription.
+### Manage Users
+A DevExtreme Chat instance contains information about its owner in the [user](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxChat/Configuration/#user) property. Owner messages align to the right (or left in RTL mode), without displaying the owner's username and avatar.
+Each message includes information about the sender ([item.author](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxChat/Types/Message/#author)), and includes name, avatar, and alt avatar text. If no avatar is set, the user's initials are displayed instead. Users without a name are marked as "Unknown User".
+### Handle Events
+Entering a message triggers the [messageEntered](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxChat/Configuration/#onMessageEntered) event. Use the event handler to perform message post processing (like deleting obscene words, displaying the message in a message feed, and sending the message to the server for storage).
+Start typing to raise [typingStart](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxChat/Configuration/#onTypingStart), and stop typing for [typingEnd](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxChat/Configuration/#onTypingEnd). By using these event handlers, you can manage the typingUsers array (it shows which users are typing in the chat UI).
+### Customize UI Elements
+Control date and time visibility with [showDayHeaders](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxChat/Configuration/#showDayHeaders) and [showMessageTimestamp](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxChat/Configuration/#showMessageTimestamp). Modify associated formats with [dayHeaderFormat](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxChat/Configuration/#dayHeaderFormat) and [messageTimestampFormat](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxChat/Configuration/#messageTimestampFormat).
+To customize DevExtreme Chat messages, use [messageTemplate](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxChat/Configuration/#messageTemplate):
+- Display images, charts, tables, links, or any visual element.
+- Implement custom buttons, such as "Copy text" or "Regenerate chatbot response".
+- Support Markdown.
+- Insert custom markup.
+Use the [alerts](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxChat/Configuration/#alerts) array to display runtime errors (such as "You have been disconnected", "The message was not sent", etc).
+#include btn-open-demo with {
+ href: "https://js.devexpress.com/Demos/WidgetsGallery/Demo/Chat/Customization/"
+If you've used DevExtreme Chat or are considering its use in an upcoming DevExpress-powered web project, please share your experiences/requirements with us. We'd love to know about your specific use case and how we can enhance our Chat component in 2025.
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+v24.2 ships with a new Pagination UI component.
+Key features/capabilities include:
+- **Page Navigator:** Controls movement between individual pages. You can display/hide navigation buttons as requirements dictate.
+- **Page Size Selector:** Controls the number of records that appear on each page. You can set the [allowedPageSizes](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxPagination/Configuration/#allowedPageSizes) property to a numbers array that specify available page sizes.
+- **Page Information:** Displays the current page number and total records. You can specify [pageIndex](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxPagination/Configuration/#pageIndex) to set the initially opened page.
+- **Responsive Design:** Component adapts its layout based on available screen size. Supports full, compact, and adaptive modes.
+- **Right-to-Left Support.**
+- **Accessibility and Keyboard Navigation support:** Fully accessible with integrated keyboard navigation support.
+#include btn-open-demo with {
+ href: "https://js.devexpress.com/Demos/WidgetsGallery/Demo/Pagination/Overview/"
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+### Sticky Columns
+As you may know, both the DevExtreme DataGrid and TreeList ship with fixed column support (allowing you to fix columns to a table's edge).
+Prior to the availability of advanced CSS positioning tools, our fixed column setup used two separate tables. In v24.2, we overhauled this mechanism: fixed columns are now integrated into the main table.
+This update also introduces a new value for the [fixedPosition](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxDataGrid/Configuration/columns/#fixedPosition) property: `sticky`. Sticky columns behave initially as regular columns. When scrolling horizontally, they adhere to the left and right edges of the table upon reaching them. This enhances usability by keeping key information visible at all times.
+The context menu used to fix columns now includes icons for various fixed positions.
+#include common-demobutton-named with {
+ url: "https://js.devexpress.com/Demos/WidgetsGallery/Demo/DataGrid/FixedAndStickyColumns/",
+ name: "DataGrid"
+#include common-demobutton-named with {
+ url: "https://js.devexpress.com/Demos/WidgetsGallery/Demo/TreeList/ColumnFixing/",
+ name: "TreeList"
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+### Tabs/TabPanel/List - onSelectionChanging Event
+DevExtreme Tabs, TabPanel, and List share a common feature: selectable items.
+Currently, these components include an [onSelectionChanged](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxTabPanel/Configuration/#onSelectionChanged) event that triggers once selections are finalized and the [selectedItems](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxTabs/Configuration/#selectedItems) option updates.
+v24.2 includes a new [onSelectionChanging](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxTabPanel/Configuration/#onSelectionChanging) event for the aforementioned UI components. The event helps track selection changes more effectively and includes a `cancel` property (Boolean or JS Promise).
+The primary purpose of the [onSelectionChanging](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxTabPanel/Configuration/#onSelectionChanging) event is to enable tab/item switching under specific usage conditions. If a condition is not met, you can prevent the switch using the `cancel` property. Common conditions include:
+- The user confirms the switch to another tab/item via a pop-up dialog.
+- The result of running validation on the current tab.
+- Switching to another item follows a specified order. For example, when a user switches between tabs/items sequentially.
+- Other custom conditions unrelated to the current component.
+##### jQuery
+#include btn-open-codepen with {
+ href: "https://codepen.io/EugeniyKiyashko/pen/NWQJbVK?editors=1010"
+##### Angular
+#include btn-open-codesandbox with {
+ href: "https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/devextreme-beta-24-2-tabs-onselectionchanging-event-angular-hlch8k?file=%2Fsrc%2Fapp%2Fapp.component.html"
+##### Vue
+#include btn-open-codesandbox with {
+ href: "https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/devextreme-beta-24-2-tabs-onselectionchanging-event-vue-lzqg84?file=%2FApp.vue"
+##### React
+#include btn-open-codesandbox with {
+ href: "https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/devextreme-beta-24-2-tabs-onselectionchanging-event-react-h28s5v?file=%2FApp.tsx"
+### TabPanel/MultiView - Item Visibility Option
+The DevExtreme TabPanel and MultiView include a new [visible](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxTabPanel/Configuration/items/#visible) property for individual items. This feature allows you to manage whether an item is visible at runtime.
+##### jQuery
+ const tabPanel = $('#tabpanel').dxTabPanel({
+ items: [{ visible: false, }],
+ }).dxTabPanel('instance');
+##### Angular
+##### Vue
+##### React
+ export default function App() {
+ return (
+ );
+ }
+### DataSource - Case Sensitive Filtering
+[In v23.1](https://www.devexpress.com/subscriptions/new-2023-1.xml#js-data-layer), we released [langParams](/Documentation/ApiReference/Data_Layer/DataSource/Configuration/langParams) for DataSource. This property can be used to include language-specific parameters for sorting and filtering operations performed on a client.
+This update includes case sensitivity for the `langParams` options. As you can see in the image below, you can now introduce case-aware filtering when using DevExtreme UI components with DataSource support (such as DataGrid).
+##### jQuery
+#include btn-open-codepen with {
+ href: "https://codepen.io/gooddayforsurf/pen/wvVORyr"
+##### Angular
+#include btn-open-codesandbox with {
+ href: "https://codesandbox.io/p/devbox/devextreme-24-2-beta-case-sensitivity-filtering-jkw8xn?file=%2Fsrc%2Fapp%2Fapp.component.ts"
+##### Vue
+#include btn-open-codesandbox with {
+ href: "https://codesandbox.io/p/devbox/devextreme-24-2-beta-case-sensitivity-filtering-ndpg9h?file=%2Fsrc%2FApp.vue"
+##### React
+#include btn-open-codesandbox with {
+ href: "https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/devextreme-24-2-beta-case-sensitivity-filtering-t89jzw?file=%2Fsrc%2FApp.tsx"
+### HTML Editor - Advanced Format Conversion
+Previously, the DevExtreme HTML Editor included basic HTML & Markdown conversion support (via [showdown](https://github.com/showdownjs/showdown)/[turndown](https://github.com/mixmark-io/turndown) dependencies).
+With v24.2, we removed this capability and added a converter option for custom conversions. For instance, Markdown lacks strikethrough support (as you expect, HTML Editor with `valueType="markdown"` did not offer this option). You can now use the [unified](https://github.com/unifiedjs/unified) [remark-gfm](https://github.com/remarkjs/remark-gfm) plugin to introduce this capability to your DevExtreme-powered app. Unified offers [numerous plugins](https://unifiedjs.com/explore/) for flexible and enhanced formatting.
+This update allows greater control/options for HTML Editor-related formatting operations. You can even add support for other formats such as [YAML](https://unifiedjs.com/explore/package/remark-frontmatter/). You will only need a converter from and to HTML.
+#include btn-open-demo with {
+ href: "https://js.devexpress.com/Demos/WidgetsGallery/Demo/HtmlEditor/MarkdownSupport/"
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+### Azure Maps Support
+As you know, Microsoft discontinued availability of [Bing Maps for Enterprise and associated APIs](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/maps/bing-maps/discontinued-services). [Azure Maps](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/products/azure-maps/) will be Microsoft's single unified enterprise mapping platform moving forward.
+Accordingly, DevExtreme Maps now supports Azure Maps (a new map [provider](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxMap/Types/#MapProvider)).
+We recommend use of a supported map provider (either *'azure', 'google',* or *'googleStatic'*) in your DevExtreme-powered solution.
+#include btn-open-demo with {
+ href: "https://js.devexpress.com/Demos/WidgetsGallery/Demo/Map/ProvidersAndTypes/"
+### Advanced Google Markers and mapID Support
+DevExtreme Maps now supports [advanced Google markers](https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/advanced-markers/overview). We also published a new [providerConfig](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxMap/Configuration/providerConfig/) configuration object that contains setting specific to *'google'* and *'googleStatic'* providers. For instance, you can now use the Google Maps [mapID](https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/get-map-id) option to customize your Map by setting it in our [providerConfig.mapId](/Documentation/ApiReference/UI_Components/dxMap/Configuration/providerConfig/#mapId).
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+Previously, for modular projects, you had to import from two packages - devextreme and a framework package (devextreme-{framework}).
+v24.2 simplifies this process, and all required types are available for import from the framework package.
+[tags] react, vue, angular
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+DevExtreme Scheduler ships with enhanced contrast and keyboard navigation support. It now includes aria-labels for agenda appointments, month view, and recurrence icons.
+In addition, other DevExtreme UI components such as DataGrid, TreeList, FilterBuilder, HTML Editor, Calendar, Menu, List and ProgressBar were enhanced as follows:
+- Screen readers can now indicate whether a TreeList node is in an expanded or collapsed state.
+- Screen readers can now pronounce selected dates when DevExtreme Calendar is in multi select mode.
+- DataGrid and TreeList ColumnChooser and HeaderFilters are now visible when receiving focus. The focus is looped now.
+- Focus order for a Lookup was modified so that elements are not obscured by a drop-down field.
+- HTML Editor Toolbar button states are now pronounced properly.
+- You can now collapse and expand List groups with keyboard navigation.
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+We introduced the following changes to our application templates:
+- Newer and more modern design.
+- Light/dark theme switcher.
+- By default, templates are created using our newest Fluent theme.
+To test our updated application templates, you must install [devextreme-cli](/Documentation/Guide/Common/DevExtreme_CLI/):
+ npx devextreme-cli new {framework}-app app-name
+After installation, run the following commands to start the application:
+ cd app-name
+ npm run start
+[tags] react, vue, angular
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+##### jQuery
+### jQuery 4 Beta Support
+jQuery v4.0.0 beta 2 [was just released](https://blog.jquery.com/2024/07/17/second-beta-of-jquery-4-0-0/). We've tested this new framework against our UI components and found no significant issues.
+If you are considering jQuery v4.0.0 for a current/upcoming project, feel free to share your jQuery-specific thoughts/experiences with us.
+##### Angular
+### Service for Popup Open Operations
+Previously, to define a Popup, it was necessary to add the Popup to markup and define a template for its content:
+The `visible` property controlled Popup visibility.
+The use of [services](https://angular.dev/tutorials/first-app/09-services) that display popups is a common practice in Angular libraries. DevExtreme Popup component now includes `DxPopupService` which allows you to open a Popup and initialize its content using an `open` method. The `open` method accepts a component to be displayed and Popup options.
+ import { DxPopupService } from "devextreme-angular/ui/popup";
+ // ...
+ constructor(private popupService: DxPopupService)
+ // ...
+ this.popupRef = popupService.open(ContentComponent, { showCloseButton: true });
+You can access the Popup instance through `DxPopupServiceComponent`. Call the `hide()` method to close the Popup programmatically:
+ popupRef: DxPopupServiceComponent;
+ this.popupRef.instance.hide();
+#include common-readguidesbutton with {
+ url: "/Documentation/Guide/UI_Components/Popup/Show_and_Hide_the_Popup/#Using_DxPopupService"
+#include btn-open-codesandbox with {
+ href: "https://codesandbox.io/p/devbox/devextreme-v24-2-beta-service-for-popup-opening-vhmdkx?file=%2Fsrc%2Fapp%2Fapp.component.ts"
+### New Configuration Components
+If you've used `devextreme-angular` in the past, you are familiar with our configuration components (they have a `dxo-` or `dxi-` prefixes).
+Our goal is to augment these components with updated TypeScript definitions. Changing them, however, would affect existing projects. Thus, in v24.2, we launched a new set of devextreme-angular configuration components (these can be used independently).
+You can access these new components by appending the parent component's name after the prefix. For example, `dxo-editing` in DataGrid becomes `dxo-data-grid-editing`, and `dxi-column` changes to `dxi-data-grid-column`, etc.
+This "named set" improves usage as follows:
+- Each configuration component now displays properties related to its specific parent component only.
+- Property values for each configuration component are strictly typed.
+[note] You can either use new collection items (`dxi-` prefix) or the previous in a single parent component, but not both. This limitation does not apply to options (`dxo-` prefix).
+### Angular 19 Support
+Angular 19 was recently [released](https://blog.angular.dev/meet-angular-v19-7b29dfd05b84). We've tested the [19.0.0 version](https://github.com/angular/angular/releases/tag/19.0.0) against our UI components and found no issues.
+If you are considering Angular 19 for a current/upcoming project, feel free to share your Angular-specific thoughts/experiences with us.
+##### Vue
+### Support TypeScript IDE Assistance
+DevExtreme Vue component props fully support types. Our components also support TypeScript IDE assistance (IntelliSense) for Vue-based projects.
+##### React
+### Custom Configuration Components
+You can now extract parts of a component's configuration in a separate React component and reuse these settings across multiple DevExtreme components by simply nesting this custom component.
+For example, you can wrap a DataGrid column into a custom component for reuse purposes:
+ const ReadonlyColumn = (props) => {
+ return (
+ );
+ }
+ function ProductOrders() {
+ return (
+ );
+ }
+#include btn-open-codesandbox with {
+ href: "https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/hz24vt?file=%2Fsrc%2FApp.tsx"
+### React 19 Support
+We've tested our UI components, [demo gallery](https://js.devexpress.com/React/Demos/WidgetsGallery/), and responsive [UI templates](https://js.devexpress.com/React/Demos/WidgetsGallery/Demo/Templates/CrmContactList/MaterialBlueLight/Compact/) with [React 19](https://react.dev/blog/2024/12/05/react-19) and found no issues.
+If you are considering React 19 for a current/upcoming project, feel free to share your React-specific thoughts/experiences with us.
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+DevExtreme major updates (released twice per year) may include new components, features, or enhancements. Refer to our What’s New for more information on our most recent major update: [What’s New in DevExtreme](/Documentation/Guide/Common/What's_New/v24.2_Release_Notes/).
+[note] Explore the latest features on the DevExpress website: [What's New in the Latest Version](https://www.devexpress.com/subscriptions/whats-new).
+## Previous Major Versions
+- [v24.1 Release Notes](https://www.devexpress.com/subscriptions/new-2024-1.xml#devextreme)
+- [v23.2 Release Notes](https://www.devexpress.com/subscriptions/new-2023-2.xml#devextreme)
+- [v23.1 Release Notes](https://www.devexpress.com/subscriptions/new-2023-1.xml#devextreme)
+- [v22.2 Release Notes](https://www.devexpress.com/subscriptions/new-2022-2.xml#devextreme)
+- [v22.1 Release Notes](https://www.devexpress.com/subscriptions/new-2022-1.xml#devextreme)
+- [v21.2 Release Notes](https://www.devexpress.com/subscriptions/new-2021-2.xml#devextreme)
+- [v21.1 Release Notes](https://www.devexpress.com/subscriptions/new-2021-1.xml#devextreme)
+- [Release Notes in Older Versions](https://www.devexpress.com/support/versions.xml#major)
+## Security Advisories
+To view security-related advisories for our most recent major/minor builds, navigate to the following webpage (login required): [Security Advisories](https://supportcenter.devexpress.com/securityadvisories/).
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