Releases: DimensionDev/Maskbook
✔ No breaking changes.
🎨 UI Improvements
- Add translate to "Source code"
- Add link to the mobile version
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fix twitter support when user have no avatar
✔ No breaking changes.
🐛 Bug Fixes
1.8.4 (2019-12-02)
✔ No breaking changes.
🆕 New Feature
- Now Maskbook can select your friends as a group*
- New experimental steganography mode
- Maskbook supports Twitter now!
*: This feature is in the early stage.
🎨 UI Improvements
- Dashboard of Maskbook has been refreshed
🐛 Bug Fixes
- abort error when upgrade db (9b42c94)
- add timeout, rewrite type (f0f53a4)
- attachIdentityToPersona throws not found (8a67906)
- background fetch command (2dd1258)
- bad implement of untilElementAvailable (0121a0a)
- bioCard string not working (dd3a587)
- build error (0ccf615)
- cancel now clickable (27834e5)
- cannot add tweet content if already has content (51017ca)
- cannot got bioCard if user have no bio (4b18531)
- change bio selector (92190e7)
- ci build error (e467a4d)
- ci build fail (953cbe6)
- collect info on promoted tweet end with error (9c4c178)
- collecting user name from biocard (33ea45d)
- composition box injected to wrong position (a56f915)
- decoder API, rearrange files (e6dae90)
- decrypt not working on special post (7093706)
- decrypt posts in detail page (66d5e82)
- delay proxy target evaluation (5a8c7a9)
- detect node existence before parsing (857a22f)
- dialog crash [close #358] (023a3fb)
- dialog losts css (d3465ff)
- display back button by build target (a83927a)
- distinguish tweets with post id (863ebe9)
- document.body is null on iOS (13a81c0)
- extra at sign in handle; publicKeyDecoder; (a9f31d0)
- failed to get post id (85c950c)
- gun infinitely retries (c057b35)
- hint word break opportunity to prevent overflow (441a658)
- icon and overflow more mobile-friendly (88157c4)
- infinite recreate due to wrong dep of useEffect (457eee9)
- information collect too early pushed to map (18ddb8d)
- isolated choose identity read issue (89863c8)
- judge netwrok before add new identifier (0f5ec4b)
- make twitter payload adhere the spec #198 (f2109a9), closes #428
- memoize cache maybe null && open tab twice (88e54b6)
- message loop on multi-tabs (19cda93)
- missing adopted style on some condition (8999ad0)
- mistakenly inject comment to irrelavent node (ec8da19)
- mobile facebook unable to resolve my identity (63199f3)
- modal trap focus, fix SujiTech/Maskbook-iOS/issues/12 (0b0602f)
- multi-id unable to decrypt posts posted by other identities (bed08b3)
- multi-id unable to post encrypted post (e69ad77)
- name area parsing cannot parse username if is follower (04c4e83)
- no (e9d0b07)
- not fetching public key (9aa6d3a)
- only insert one comment box per post (#101) (a87d637)
- overwrite person database (da8d946)
- paste into postBox (30433b2)
- pastePostbox (0f5b8b8)
- post editor inject suppressing (c039f99)
- post information collecting (2f25c7b)
- post parser (29f1520)
- post parser edge case (29dbf39)
- postParser not correctly parsing (d5c32f4)
- publicKey on twitter in bio (6ddfc2b)
- race on contentScript fetch and tabs.create on iOS (01229b2)
- recheck shouldDisplayWelcome to prevent unmount unexpectedly (7937f68)
- reduce unnecessary UI updates when decrypting posts in twitter (f898d7b)
- redundant selector postRoot (b15c282)
- remove memoryrouter (cause wrong href on ios) (d89aef6)
- remove self from following group (3025d95)
- remove testing code (bfebf0a)
- remove then() call on MutationObserverWatcher (a647c29)
- renew self info regexps (f13557d), closes #437
- replace base image with platform unrelated one (2406d37)
- reset composition box after requesting post (d17fc4c), closes #413
- script error when documemt is not ready (b5b8a9b)
- scroll event, close SujiTech/Maskbook-iOS/issues/11 (02bc567)
- scroll event, close SujiTech/Maskbook-iOS/issues/11 (f18410b)
- selector matched the editor in DM by mistake (73655c6), closes #434
- ssr build error (77d245c)
- styles on screen less than sm (8a43068)
- type (cbbd944)
- type error (4510b58)
- update paste image impl. to a more secure way (b611bc4)
- use memoized fetch to reduce fetch, close #424 (b8a6e58)
- useForeach and wrong aria (f1d808e)
- verify identity before add into group (3b91477)
- wrong callback hook (1949de8)
- ed1bcbf: identifier may be undefined (d5b6657)
- stuck at no text-content post (d9ba852)
- taskPasteIntoPostBox not working in popup (214d412)
- transition animation on dialog (ec302ec)
- ts-ignore (d85bef9)
- type error on us...
1.7.1 (2019-10-21)
✔ No breaking changes.
🆕 New Feature
Add links to Android and iOS version of Maskbook
👩💻 Miscellaneous
🐛 Bug Fixes
- a css problem in the options page (4e0643e)
- banner does not disappear after restore (1c7c9a4)
- button margin on mobile device (ac1a768)
- empty page should not display in developer page #293 (64679e9)
- typo in OptionsPage/Export (05cf291)
- wrong call in QRScanner (727f586)
✔ No breaking changes.
Old versions must upgrade to 1.7.0 to decrypt the new format.
🆕 New Feature
Add a debug mode
Add mnemonic words to generate key
🎨 UI Improvements
Better UI
🐛 Bug Fixes
Fix many bugs
👩💻 Miscellaneous
#266 (comment)
1.6.0 (2019-09-05)
Maskbook has released on Firefox Add-on store for Firefox
and Firefox for Android
⚠ Has breaking changes!
You have to update to 1.6.0 to decrypt the new 🎼3/4 payload.
Old data is still safe.
🆕 New Feature
- We add a hint in the backup file for power users #79 (ffec6e5)
- We remove the requested permission "background" and only request to access the social network you want to connect. #80 (d9f1f31)
- We have make an abstraction between Facebook and Maskbook, so it is possible to add support for other social networks! (#110)
🔐 Security
- New payload version 🎼3/4 with a more secure way to share info without privacy leaking. (See for details)
- We fix comment box leaked in Facebook (087dd69)
🎨 UI Improvements
- We add a popup Window to prevent confusions (23f24be)
- We improve the prompt when decrypting and improve the decrypting experience
- We support dark mode in the options page (634dae7)
👩💻 Miscellaneous
- @holoflow/kits not upgrading problem (8ec9f6c)
- a better SSR plugin based on HtmlWebpackPlugin's doc (87ba4c5)
- add support for click see more on mobile facebook close #52 (7037575)
- all deprecation and other linter errors (b0c9c7b)
- auto verify bio and post (73c87da)
- background page loading (1b3dbbf)
- background page loading (194b46e)
- background script failed to load (a39ac5e)
- Cannot read property 'toString' of undefined at myUsernameLiveSelectorOnMobile (0f173bb)
- comment box leaked (087dd69)
- compose box in event page; auto paste on mobile; close #112 (8454c65)
- content script fails to load (8f0740e)
- content script load failed when spliting chunks (de19211)
- content script loading (c6e9bbf)
- disable ssr in dev (c327ce7)
- disable ssr on options page (dd61059)
- Firefox globalThis again (10dec4c)
- globalThis does not implements Window then cause web native apis fails (998f0ee)
- opened on desktop (9f0f932)
- make debugger works in Firefox (2689f25)
- make two linter run in parallel (1e91779)
- naming problem (82e82d5)
- not always get a new LiveSelector (f1882da)
- options page (abe1f16)
- options page (d978d12)
- options page crashes (fdba853)
- options_index_devel -> options_index_dev (fbcf8b4)
- paste into post box paste into wrong place on pc (b716cfe)
- performance problem on collectPostInfo (3ee5efe)
- permission request in Firefox (dab929d)
- prove post not refreshed on first install (c2156d5)
- react error on RenderText (75f919d)
- requestAnimationFrame's this not implements Window (0d74330)
- script hang up on Firefox (68733c1)
- signature verify failed for cached posts (8a358d5)
- style broken (regressed by 51a544b) (deccd1d)
- Target container is not a DOM element (b08642d)
- this binding problem (7c64367)
- type bug (c1d94a5)
- TypeError: Cannot perform 'getPrototypeOf' on a proxy that has been revoked (24f7ec1)
- typing on makeStyles (76bae32)
- typo (4dfb2e9)
- window.eval and globalThis.eval is different in Firefox (f9cf5c0)
- crypto: async problem in resolvedAESKey (9f2cdb7)
- crypto: payload not found (53a8781)
- deps: set @material-ui to newest working version; fix build (51a544b), closes mui-org/material-ui#17158
- unable to find payload; annoying inject warning (8f2ae95)
- Welcome banner always display (56c610b)
- firefox: Auto pasting not working when encryption user's posts (3a41780)
- firefox: firing with custom Object become restrictions data (4109ce6), closes #25
- firefox: prevent from creating multiple workers (f84b326)
- firefox: request camera permission twice #100 (a60a506)
- firefox: resolve partially: Can't parse the page (cd53d2b)
- firefox: window.close not working (375cb74)
- gun: hash function (b8f644e)
- text: add missing maskbook string, fix #114 (2041eb9)
- Welcome: step (da434db)
- call injectPostComments (57b8120)
- call ui setup in option (f82844a)
- Cannot redefine property: setAttribute (d0090ac)
- duplicate call on injectPostInspector (bd3b8c7)
- facebook profile link discovery issue (c6cab46)
- fix dependencies of DecryptPost (ca2531a)
- initialize twitter & optimize file structure (e860399)
- isMobileFacebook (adb848f)
- key fetching process, close #87 (31b0ce5)
- logic of SelectPeopleUI (4c1f63b)
- review (88eaec5)
- webpack: prevent other chunks from being injected to index.html (#108) (c418aea)
- initialize twitter & optimize file structure (c460b8a)
- missing permission, script logic error ([e035740](
✔ No breaking changes.
🐛 Bug Fixes
We remove
links in the payload.
1.5.2 (2019-08-02)
✔ No breaking changes.
🆕 New Feature
We design a new options page!
- new options page (7ccf1ef)
We add QR Code import/export in options page
- add qr scanner and paste json to restore (24995c2)
- add qrcode component (78b7fef)
- BarcodeDetector Polyfill (#78) (818adaf)
- disable qr scanner if there is no BarcodeDetector in window (79c336c)
- gen qr to transfer key (0a44e41)
- iOS scan QR (59ae2b0)
- new QRScanner component (fe347c2)
- rpc for iOS (cab70ed)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- i18n: close #71 (9722d06)
- close options page if click "do it later" (556bcb2)
- crast on JSON restore (18d9519)
- restore button (bb513e4)
- yarn install timedout (33c7704)