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Community Tools Workshop

From our work with the Drupal Ladder and Core Mentoring, we have created a workshop designed to get people up to speed with the tools they need to feel confident and comfortable with contributing to Drupal. This workshop was first run at CapitalCamp in July 2012, and has been presented and refined at several DrupalCons, and many DrupalCamps. The workshop is always free, and we love teaching it, but we can't get to every event that would like to have it, so we are sharing our resources, notes, and tips for the workshop so anyone can run it at any event they're attending. This curriculum is free for anyone to use and modify, and we plan to eventually provide it in a format that is truly open-sourced, and allows for people to contribute back to the curriculum. We'll also work on a better way to organize the information for you to consume. Please bear with us. ;-) The workshop has been presented in three different formats since its inception:

  1. half-day standalone workshop
  2. half-day workshop that leads into/is part of a larger sprint day (such as at DrupalCons)
  3. full-day workshop that expands on more tools use, specifically Git and Drush

The curriculum that we have here now is the second one, which is a designed to be provided as part of a larger sprint day, and is what we present on DrupalCon sprint days. Over time, we will include more information for the other formats as well.

Community Tools Workshop slides

We are providing the slides we use in both Keynote (Mac), PDF, and reveal.js formats. You can grab them from this repository. Additional tips on working with the reveal.js deck are in lib/

Quick links to other resources

Please feel free to fork this, and use it however you want. If you have improvements that would benefit the general curriculum we have here, please create a pull request for us to review and incorporate.


This curriculum is made freely available under the [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license][6]. You are free to use, share, and modify this work, but you must give Drupalize.Me ( attribution, and you must share your modified work under this same license.
