Add usePkce flag to allow authorization_code flow without PKCE #1360
I ran into an issue recently with an Authorization Server that supports integrations with the OAuth2.0 authorization_code flow both with and without PKCE (with no upgrade path for enabling PKCE on old integrations).
You could argue that it's a bug with the Auth Server not being correctly backwards compaptible, (clients SHOULD include PKCE parameters regardless of server support, as per
But there is still a potential fix in this library by allowing to explicitly opt out of PKCE. The issue arises when an integration is set up without PKCE, but the client sends the code_challenge and code_challenge_method parameters along with the auth request. This is interpretted by the server as trying to connect incorrectly and returns with "invalid_grant".
The oidc-client-js library always includes the code_challenge and code_challenge_method parameters. This feature request is to add a flag to support opting out of the clause as the "SHOULD" in the spec allows.