Challenge 33 - Adjusting Climate Projections
Stream 3 - Applied data science for weather, climate and atmosphere
Develop a Python package that supports the estimation of biases and uncertainties of future climate projections.
Mentors and skills
- Mentors: Edward Comyn-Platt, Chiara Cagnazzo, James Varndell
- Skills required:
- Coding skills in Python
- A good level of statistical mathematics
Note: Challenge is funded by Copernicus. Only nationals from European Union (EU) Member States and countries associated with EU’s Space Programme (currently Iceland and Norway) are eligible to participate (see Terms and Conditions).
Challenge description
The Climate Model Intercomparison Project 6 (CMIP6) provides a suite of models which are the state-of-the-art representation of the Earth system and simulate how the climate conditions are going to evolve over the next decades. For several applications, it is essential that the CMIP6 model outputs biases and uncertainties are correctly accounted for.
This project will create a python package which contains the tools required for estimating the biases and uncertainties, that use past observations to adjust future projections. The python-package should be stand-alone and operate on the data at a numeric level such that it can be used on data from any source (for both the reference and projection components). Such a package could be imported into any python script/session and would allow use of the specific bias correction methods required for their application without the need for explicit bias-correction processing. This package would be used for a range of ECMWF/C3S applications and could become a standard toolset for performing such analyses.
The current ISIMIP software does this, however, this is implemented as a tool for batch processing data in a specific format. This software should be turned into a python package that can be hosted publicly on the ECMWF Github and installed via PyPi.