I am trying to use eos-node-watcher on the Jungle Testnet to monitor transfer actions on my account.
This is my config.json:
"watchInterval": 500,
"eosApi": "",
"eosHistoryApi": "",
"apiTimeout": 3000,
"initialBlock": 0,
"accounts": {
"stestnettbit": [],
"eosio.token": [
"name": "transfer",
"data": { "to": "stestnettbit" }
"mongodb": {
"isActive": true,
"address": "mongodb://localhost:27017",
"database": "eos_node_watcher",
"prefix": "enw_"
"zeromq": {
"isActive": false,
"address": "tcp://*:60400"
"amqp": {
"isActive": true,
"address": "amqp://localhost",
"channel": "eosnodewatcher"
When I run node index.js, console outputs:
18:31:43.463 INFO Blocks were never synced, starting from 699999
(node:10102) DeprecationWarning: current URL string parser is deprecated, and will be removed in a future version. To use the new parser, pass option { useNewUrlParser: true } to MongoClient.connect.
18:31:43.644 INFO Syncing block 699999
18:31:44.109 ERROR Sync failed on block 699999 >>> Request failed with status code 404
18:31:44.109 INFO Syncing block 699999
18:31:44.514 ERROR Sync failed on block 699999 >>> Request failed with status code 404
18:31:44.515 INFO Syncing block 699999
18:31:44.927 ERROR Sync failed on block 699999 >>> Request failed with status code 404
18:31:44.928 INFO Syncing block 699999
I have tried changing the initialBlock variable and all values give the same type of error.