Describe the bug
Prebuild for NW.js 0.49.2-0.53.0 doesn't function correctly like it used to do. Many APIs don't return correct results or don't recognize arguments passed from JavaScript.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Download the prebuild file from
- Download greenworks v0.14.0 release from
- Replace the node file with the downloaded node file from step 1
- Download steam sdk 1.50
- Make an empty NW.js with a blank html, put the files include steam_appid.txt with correct appid in correct place
- Run the project using NW.js 0.49.2, with steam running and logged-in.
- Execute var greenworks = require('./greenworks') from the console
- Execute greenworks.initAPI(), console output false
- Execute greenworks.isSteamRunning(), console output false
- Execute greenworks.getAchievementNames(), console output correct results
- Execute greenworks.getAchievement('Your achievement id here', function(){}), the app throws an exception 'Bad arguments'.
Expected behavior
Step 7 should output true, step 8 should output true, step 11 should not throw 'Bad arguments' exception.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- OS: Windows 11 x64
- Asset infos: steam client, steam sdk 1.50, NW.js 0.49.2
Additional context
The website( shows the file's last update date as a year ago. I also checked prebuilt node files from a game released before the time, the author indicated they used prebuilt files form the same site, and the files functioned correctly. I assume the prebuilt files were changed 1 year ago.