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Python - if/else, loops, functions

In this project i began utilizing conditionals and loops in python by using if, if...else, break, continue, pass, and range statements with while and for loops. I practiced writing my own Python functions while learning about scope of variables, tracebacks, and arithmetic operators.

Function Prototypes 💾

Prototypes for functions written in this project:

File Prototype def islower(c): def uppercase(str): def print_last_digit(number): def add(a, b): def pow(a, b): def fizzbuzz():
13-insert_number.c listint_t *insert_node(listint_t **head, int number); def remove_char_at(str, n): def magic_calculation(a, b, c):

Task 📃

  • 0. Positive anything is better than negative nothing mandatoy

    • Python program that assigns a random signed number to the variable number each time it is executed and prints wether number is positive or negative.
    • Prints the number followed by:
    • If the number is greater than 0: is positive
    • If the number is 0: is zero
    • If the number is less than 0: is negative
    • Followd by a new line.
    • Completion of This source code.
  • 1. The last digit mandatory

    • Python program that assign a random signed number to the variable number each time it is executed and prints its last digit.
    • Prints the string Last digit of [number] is [last_digit] followed by:
    • If the number is greater than 5: and is greater than 5
    • If the number is 0: and is 0
    • If the number is lesss and 6 and not 0: and is less than 6 and not 0
    • Followed by a new line.
    • Completion of this source code.
  • 2. I sometimes suffer from insomnia. And when I can't fall asleep, I play what I call the alphabet game mandatory

  • Python program that prints the alphabet in lowercase, not followed by a new line.

  • Using only one print and one loop.

  • Storing characters in variables or importing modules not allowed.

  • 3. When I was having that alphabet soup, I never thought that it would pay off mandatory

    • Python program that prints the alphabet in lowercase, followed by a new line.
    • Using only one print and one loop.
    • Without storing characters in variables or importing modules.
    • Prints every letter except for q and e.
  • 4. Hexadecimal printing mandatory

    • Python program that prints all numbers from 0 to 98 in decimal and hexadecimal.
    • Using only one print and one loop.
    • Without storing numbers or strings in variables or importing modules.
    • Printing format: [decimal] = [hexadecimal]
  • 5. 00...99 mandatory

    • Python program that prints numbers from 0 to 99 two digits each.
    • Numbers are separated by , , except for the last number, which is followed by a new line.
    • Using no more than two print functions and one loop.
    • Without storing numbers or strings in variables or importing modules.
  • 6. Inventing is a combination of brains and materials. The more brains you use, the less material you need mandatory

    • Python program that prints all possible different combinations of two digits in ascending order.
    • Numbers are separated by , , except for the last number, which is followed by a new line.
    • The two digits must be different - 01 and 10 are considered identical.
    • Using no more than three print functions and two loops.
    • Without storing numbers or strings in variables or importing modules.
  • 7. islower mandatory

    • Python function that checks for lowercase characters.
    • Returns True if c is lowercase, False otherwise.
    • Without importing modules or using str.upper() or str.isupper().
  • 8. To uppercase mandatory

    • Python function that prints a string in uppercase followed by a new line.
    • Using no more than two print functions and one loop.
    • Without importing modules or using str.upper() or str.isupper().school
  • 9. There are only 3 colors, 10 digits, and 7 notes; its what we do with them that's important mandatory

    • Python function that prints the last digit of a number.
    • Returns the value of the last digit.
    • Without importing modules.
  • 10. a + b mandatory

    • Python function that returns the addition of two integers.
    • Without importing modules.
  • 11. a ^ b mandatory

    • Python function that returns a to the power of b.
    • Without importing modules.
  • 12. Fizz Buzz mandatory

    • Python function that prints the numbers from 1 to 100 followed by a space.
    • For multiples of three, Fizz is printed instead of the number.
    • For multiples of five, Buzz is printed instead of the number.
    • For multiples of three and five, FizzBuzz is printed instead of the number.
    • Without importing modules.
  • 13. Insert in sorted linked list mandatory

  • 14. Smile in the mirror #advanced

    • Python program that prints the alphabet in reverse order, alternating lowercase and uppercase, not followed by a new line.
    • Using only one print and one loop.
    • Without storing characters in variables or importing modules.
  • 15. Remove at position #advanced

    • Python function that creates a copy of a string without the character at position n.
    • Without importing modules.
  • 16. ByteCode -> Python #2 #advanced