Hi Eric,
I was using strataG installed from github and have been having an issue with fsc2gtypes(). The current version is giving this error when I try to simulate some dna seqeunces and read them back into R:
Error in result[, 1] : incorrect number of dimensions
This is using fsc27 as the simulator. Previous versions of strataG were working in this situation, but they were generating a warning from dplyr about specifying .cols when using across().
To reproduce, I've attached a binary format file (saved with saveRDS()) of the settings run by fscRun. It's stashed inside a zip archive so github will allow me to upload
Here are the actual lines I've been running:
where 'simp' is the object in the attached file and fsc_exec="fsc27093".
This isn't a huge problem for me, because I forked an older version that works but gives the 'across()' warning, but I wanted to let you have a reproducible example