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190 lines (190 loc) · 47.6 KB

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190 lines (190 loc) · 47.6 KB
Command Arguments Description Category
add [git...] git add for all/specified repositories CORE
add-config file config value add config/value pair to one OVE config file CORE
add-project [name path]|[name path cmd...]|[name path cmd@content...] add one project to 'projs' and 'projects/...' CORE
add-repo dir|url|url name|url name rev add a new repo to this OVE workspace CORE
ag pattern search OVE workspace using ag [] SEARCH
ahead [git...] list local commits not yet published for all/specified repositories CORE
am file apply a bz2 archive file created with 'format-patch' CORE
apply patch apply one OVE patch CORE
apply-cached patch apply one OVE patch to index CORE
authors list author summary for all git repositories UTIL
behind [git...] list upstream changes for all/specified repositories CORE
blame pattern git grep+blame+log combo SEARCH
blame-history pattern git log -G -p pattern for all git repositories SEARCH
bootstrap [project...|tag...] run the 'bootstrap' step for all or individual projects BUILD
bootstrap-parallel [project...|tag...] run the 'bootstrap' step for all or individual projects (in parallel) BUILD
branch [git...]|[git... name] list branch(es) or create-and-checkout 'name' branch for 'git...' and update 'revtab' accordingly CORE
build [project...|tag...] run the 'build' step for all or individual projects BUILD
build-order show build order BUILD
build-parallel [project...|tag...] run the 'build' step for all or individual projects (in parallel) BUILD
buildme [project...|tag...] build project(s) from scratch (=bootstrap, configure, build, install) BUILD
buildme-parallel [project...|tag...] build project(s) from scratch (=bootstrap, configure, build, install) BUILD
cd [pattern|@] 'cd ${OVE_BASE_DIR}' OR switch to a OVE workspace specified by pattern CORE
checkout [rev[ [purge|autostash]]] git checkout for all git repositories or checkout a new project revision, USE 'purge' WITH CARE CORE
checkout-by-date date checkout by date (ignore revtab) CORE
clean [project...|tag...] run the 'clean' step for all or individual projects BUILD
clean-parallel [project...|tag...] run the 'clean' step for all or individual projects (in parallel) BUILD
cleanme [project...|tag...] clean project(s) and their dependencies BUILD
commit [git...] git commit for all/specified git repositories CORE
config [file[config[[value]]]]|[config[[value]]] show/modify OVE config files, configs are read in order so last config takes precedence CORE
configure [project...|tag...] run the 'configure' step for all or individual projects BUILD
configure-parallel [project...|tag...] run the 'configure' step for all or individual projects (in parallel) BUILD
create-instance file|project []... create one or many instances (incus|LXD only) UTIL
create-instance-all []... create one or many instances for all projects (incus|LXD only) UTIL
create-instance-parallel file|project []... create one or many instances in parallel (tmux and incus|LXD only) UTIL
delete-instance name [y] delete instance (incus|LXD only), USE WITH CARE UTIL
demo [git...|pattern] run 'lastlog-replay' on logs found at '/.ove/demo', '<OVE_OWEL_DIR>/demo' or '<OVE_DIR>/demo' UTIL
describe [git...] git describe+log+status combo for all/specified git repositories CORE
diff [git...] git diff for all/specified git repositories CORE
diff-cached [git...] git diff --cached for all/specified repositories CORE
diff-check [options] git diff --check [options] CORE
diff-owel diff two OWEL revisions CORE
digraph [commands key...] create a DOT directed graph for all projects CORE
do dir command run a command within 'dir' relative to ${OVE_BASE_DIR} CORE
domains list email domain summary for all git repositories UTIL
dry-run [0|1] toggle or set OVE_DRY_RUN DEBUG
echo [green|cyan|yellow|red|error] txt prefix echo with date and time diff CORE
edit [pattern|file...] open files in $EDITOR UTIL
emacs [pattern|file...] open files in emacs UTIL
entry [project...|tag...] run the 'entry' step for all or individual projects BUILD
entry-parallel [project...|tag...] run the 'entry' step for all or individual projects (in parallel) BUILD
env [pattern] show OVE environment variables CORE
export [project...|tag...] export project(s) CORE
export-logs export OVE logs LOG
fetch [git...] fetch all/specified repositories, ends with ove status CORE
fetch-fetched fetch already fetched repositories, ends with ove status CORE
fetch-remains fetch not yet fetched repositories, ends with ove status CORE
forall command run 'command' for all git repositories CORE
forall-parallel command run 'command' in parallel for all git repositories CORE
format-patch [name] create a bz2 archive for all local commits not yet published CORE
forowel command run 'command' for all OVE workspaces on this host CORE
forowel-parallel command run 'command' in parallel for all OVE workspaces on this host CORE
forsome command git... run 'command' for specified git repositories CORE
fsck [git...] git fsck --full for all/specified git repositories DEBUG
fzf [loop] OVE fzf [] UTIL
generate-doc generate OVE documentation INTERNAL
gfe pattern git grep+fzf+emacs combo SEARCH
gfv pattern git grep+fzf+vi combo SEARCH
grep [options] pattern git grep [options] for all git repositories SEARCH
gvim [pattern|file...] open files in gvim UTIL
head-tail file [num] display first/last 3(=num) lines of a text file UTIL
heads2revtab [git...] update 'revtab' with current SHA-1 CORE
help [pattern] OVE help CORE
hooks [disable|enable|install|remove [hook]|list] manage hooks CORE
ide [close|reopen] launch one or more 'loop'-commands specified by OVE_IDE_LOOP_ARGS (tmux only) UTIL
import file import project(s), see export CORE
import-submodules [git] append submodule(s) to 'revtab' and run fetch for all/specified git repositories CORE
init |[dir]|[dir name] create an OWEL OR scan repos and create a complete workspace CORE
install [project...|tag...] run the 'install' step for all or individual projects BUILD
install-parallel [project...|tag...] run the 'install' step for all or individual projects (in parallel) BUILD
install-pkg [project...|tag...] install needed OS packages for all/specified project(s) CORE
install-pkg-os pkg... install OS packages CORE
l [pattern] view last command output in pager (=${OVE_PAGER}) or print lines matching pattern LOG
lastlog [pattern] list OVE logs LOG
lastlog-replay [file [divisor]]|[pattern [divisor]] replay OVE commands LOG
lastlog-summary [pattern] peek inside OVE logs and make a summary LOG
less-lastlog [user...] peek into user(s) last OVE log using less LOG
list-aliases list OVE aliases CORE
list-colors list OVE colors CORE
list-commands [pattern] list commands CORE
list-commands-by-category list commands grouped by category CORE
list-committed-files [days] list committed files within 7 or days day(s) CORE
list-deps [project...|tag...] list dependencies for all/specified project(s) CORE
list-externals list all external commands that OVE is dependent on CORE
list-git-command-options list git command options (d=default, o=override) CORE
list-heads [git...] git log for all/specified git repositories CORE
list-hooks [enabled|disabled] list installed hooks CORE
list-hub list hub CORE
list-missing-projects [project...|tag...] list any missing project(s) CORE
list-modified-files list modified files CORE
list-modified-files-basename list modified files (basename) CORE
list-needs [project...|tag...] list OS packages needs for all/specified project(s) CORE
list-path [project...|tag...] list paths for all/specified project(s) CORE
list-projects [project...|tag...] list projects CORE
list-repositories [ahead|behind] list all git repositories or list repositories that are ahead/behind CORE
list-scripts list available scripts CORE
list-systests list available system tests TEST
list-systests-aliases list available system test aliases TEST
list-tags list project tags CORE
locate print OVE workspaces owned by you on this host CORE
locate-all print all OVE workspaces on this host CORE
log project commit log for branch '${OVE_OWEL_CI_BRANCH}' CORE
log-owel list commits between two OWEL revisions CORE
loglevel [level] show or change loglevel [0-10] DEBUG
logo logo CORE
loop |[timeout|x] [inotify|x] [max-count|x] command] loop one OVE command UTIL
loop-close close all 'loop'-panes (tmux only) UTIL
lr [divisor] short for 'ove-lastlog-replay $OVE_LAST_COMMAND' LOG
ls-files [options] git ls-files [options] for all git repositories CORE
ls-remote [git...] git ls-remote <remote.origin.url> HEAD for specified/all git repositories CORE
make [project[-nodeps]] build project(s) BUILD
mrproper [y] remove untracked repository files, '${OVE_STAGE_DIR}/' and '${OVE_ARCHIVE_DIR}/', USE WITH CARE BUILD
news [git...] list upstream changes for all/specified repositories CORE
nop do nothing DEBUG
oneliner [dir] print or execute ${OVE_OWEL_DIR}/SETUP CORE
patch-repo [git...] patch all/specified repositories with $OVE_OWEL_DIR/patches/[/]{.diff,.patch} (override OVE_PATCH_REPOS) CORE
post-push run OVE unittests within a few Linux distributions specified by ${OVE_DIR}/tests/instance.list (incus|LXD only) INTERNAL
post-push-parallel post-push in parallel (tmux and incus|LXD only) INTERNAL
pre-push shell-check+unittest+generate-doc combo INTERNAL
proj2val project...|tag... key print project(s) value based on key CORE
ps list current OVE processes DEBUG
pull [git...] git pull for all/specified repositories CORE
purge-hub purge hub CORE
readme [git...] display README files for all/specified git repositories UTIL
rebase-autosquash [git...] run 'git rebase -i HEAD~N --autosquash' where N is the number of local commits not yet published CORE
rec [0|1] toggle or set screen recording UTIL
refresh [pattern...] refresh OVE workspaces on this host UTIL
refresh-hub refresh hub CORE
refresh-image refresh list of available images (incus|LXD only) UTIL
remote [git...] git remote -v for all/specified git repositories CORE
remote-check sanity check that all remotes are online CORE
remote-set-url url [git...] change the URL of 'origin' remote for all/specified repositories CORE
remove-repo name... remove repo(s) from 'revtab' CORE
rename [new] rename OWEL/workspace, USE WITH CARE CORE
replicate host [path [force [pull|nofetch]|save [msg]|nofetch]] replicate OVE workspace on 'host' UTIL
replicate-cluster [force [pull]|save [msg]|nofetch] replicate OVE workspace on all cluster members (incus|LXD only) UTIL
replicate-cluster-parallel [force [pull]|save [msg]|nofetch] replicate-cluster in parallel (incus|LXD only) UTIL
reset [git...] git reset for all/specified repositories CORE
reset-ahead [git...] git reset --hard HEAD~N where N is number of commits ahead for all or specified repositories, USE WITH CARE CORE
reset-hard [git...] git reset --hard for all/specified repositories, USE WITH CARE CORE
revtab-check [0|1] disable/enable if OVE should keep repos in-sync with 'revtab' CORE
revtab-diff print changes between two project revisions CORE
revtab-sync [git...] sync all/specified git repositories with 'revtab' (override OVE_REVTAB_CHECK) CORE
rg pattern search OVE workspace using rg [] SEARCH
rm-logs [days [y]] remove OVE logs older than 30|days days. days=0 => all logs LOG
run |t c run one command 'c' in terminal/tmux with timeout 't' (0=no timeout) UTIL
run-parallel t0 c0 [t1 c1 t2 c2...] run commands in parallel (tmux only) UTIL
setup [dir url [rev]] setup OVE workspace CORE
shell-check run shellcheck on OVE INTERNAL
shortlog-owel shortlog two OWEL revisions CORE
show [rev...] ove list-heads or search for 'rev' within all git repositories. If found run 'git show rev' CORE
show-ahead [git...] run 'ove show' on local commits not yet published for all/specified repositories CORE
show-behind [git...] run 'ove show' on upstream changes for all/specified repositories CORE
show-dangling [git...] show dangling git objects (=blob|commit|tag|tree) for all/specified git repositories DEBUG
show-news [git...] run 'ove show' on upstream changes for all/specified repositories CORE
stash [list|show [pattern]|drop [pattern]|pop [pattern]|push [msg...]] git stash [drop|pop|show|list|push] for all git repositories CORE
status [git...] git status -zbs -uno for all/specified repositories CORE
strace-connect dir run strace connect time analysis DEBUG
strace-execve-time dir run strace execve time analysis DEBUG
strace-execve-timeline dir run strace execve timeline analysis DEBUG
strace-graph dir run strace graph analysis DEBUG
systest [test|group...] run one or more system tests/groups described in ${OVE_OWEL_DIR}/systests-groups and ${OVE_OWEL_DIR}/systests TEST
tag list git tags within ${OVE_OWEL_DIR} CORE
tail-lastlog [user...] peek into user(s) last OVE log using tail -f LOG
task [task args] check task man pages, taskwarrior [] UTIL
test [project...|tag...] run the 'test' step for all or individual projects BUILD
test-parallel [project...|tag...] run the 'test' step for all or individual projects (in parallel) BUILD
ts [ts/tsp args] check ts/tsp man pages CORE
unittest [test...] run all/specific unit tests INTERNAL
unsource clean up all OVE vars/funcs from this shell CORE
update-revtab git rev update 'revtab' with a another (existing) 'rev' for the repository named 'git' CORE
version print OVE version CORE
vi [pattern|file...] open files in vi UTIL
wdiff [git...] git diff (word diff) for all/specified git repositories CORE
wdiff-cached [git...] git diff --cached (word diff) for all/specified git repositories CORE
what-extensions dir... classify files inside 'dir' based on file extensions UTIL
what-is dir... classify files inside 'dir' using 'file' UTIL
wipe-base-dir [y] remove untracked files from ${OVE_BASE_DIR}, USE WITH CARE CORE
worktree [add [rev]]|list [worktree...]|prune|remove worktree...|status [worktree...]] replicate OVE workspace on this host using 'git worktree' CORE