- Fork this repository
- Clone your forked version of the repository to your machine by running the following in a command line:
git clone https://github.com/[ YOUR GITHUB USERNAME ]/dharma_quotes.git
- Navigate into the project's root directory
cd dharma_quotes
- Install dev dependencies (bundler 2.1.2)
bundle install
- Run all the tests & cops
- Make your contribution! Maybe start by adding a quote to one of the existing quote libraries. Don't git commit just yet though...
- Rerun all the tests & cops
Has your contribution caused any of them to break? If so, please fix their poor lil broken hearts :<
Don't forget to keep testing as you go until all of them pass.
- Add your name to cool_dudes.md!
- When you've finished contributing, run these commands in your command line:
git add .
git commit -m "[ YOUR MESSAGE ]"
git push
- Open a pull request to have your contribution merged into the project 🚀
Your help is greatly appreciated. Happy coding!