Hi, I'm trying to follow this example, but am using angular cli 13.0 and ngrx 13.0.1. I've also refereced angular-auth-oidc-client 14.1.5.
I'm getting a couple of issues :
- in the auth.effect.ts file
checkauth$ = createEffect(() => this.actions$.pipe( ofType(fromAuthActions.checkAuth), switchMap(() => this.authService .checkAuth() .pipe( map((isLoggedIn) => fromAuthActions.checkAuthComplete({ isLoggedIn })) ) ) ) );
on the map line where IsLoggedIn get's passed, I receive LoginResponse is not assignable to type boolean
- auth.selectors.ts file
`export const selectIsAuthenticated = createSelector(
(state: AuthState) => state.isLoggedIn
export const selectUserInfo = createSelector(
(state: AuthState) => state.profile
for both constants, the getAuthFeatureState fails with no overloads matches this call.
Update: for the selector errors, changing the const getAuthFetaureState to:
export const getAuthFeatureState = createFeatureSelector<AuthState>(authFeatureName);
resolves the 2 issues for the auth.selectors file, but I still have the auth.effects file issue
Apologies as I know I'm using a later library, but thought with your superior knowledge of this, that you may be able to help.