This repository is related to single-server/client Linux (server) environments.
This repository, as for now, doesn't contain any advanced set-up & maintenance instructions for multi-client/server environment techniques such as Puppet or SaltStack. For setting up a SaltStack environment, see:
This repository doesn't contain instructions to set up containers, such as Docker or systemd-nspawn.
The repository is mainly set up as a requirement by a school cource in Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland.
The repository contains various exercises, originally presented in Finnish but translated into English due to practical purposes.
All bourne shell files (sh) presented in this repository may not be directly related to the exercises but they are useful in some situations.
NOTE! Instructions in this repository may not directly apply to your setting. The instructions have not been tested in a production environment, so if you decided to use them in your system configuration, you should apply them with care. I do not take any responsibility in a case of failure or broken system configurations.