I have a situation which I don't fully understand with validation.
Example :
Base profile:
The legacy validator returns this:
Invariant : Instance failed constraint ref-1 "SHALL have a contained resource if a local reference is provided"
Rule: reference.exists() implies (reference.startsWith('#').not() or (reference.substring(1).trace('url') in'ids')) or (reference='#' and %rootResource!=%resource))
The new validator returns this similar error, but with different explanation:
[ERROR] Instance failed constraint ref-1 "SHALL have a contained resource if a local reference is provided" (at Parameters.parameter[0].part[0].resource[0].performer[0].actor[0], element Parameters(>
ref-1 ( states:
reference.exists() implies (reference.startsWith('#').not() or (reference.substring(1).trace('url') in'ids')) or (reference='#' and %rootResource!=%resource))
Does calling %rootResource cause our Validator to jump to the Parameters Resource, and should it not go towards the Medication Resource?
Is this the part that is causing the issue?
reference.substring(1).trace('url') in'ids')
What it does is it checks whether the ID of the referenced contained resource exists within the parent resource's contained resource IDs.
The Java Validator does not throw an error here.
Ghost-writer of @MatthijsvdWielen