- Password fields now have a hint if you surpass the maximum password length (72)
- Fixes bug that prevented strava activities with heartrate data being imported
- Fixes bug that prevented users from creating new summit logs
- Fixes unclear error messages when saving integrations
- Fixes login issues for wanderer instances hosted via http
- You can now choose to sync only completed or planned tours from komoot
- Toast messages now stack
- Fixes bug that prevented the komoot integration from toggling on
- Fixes bug that caused orphaned summit logs
- Fixes bug that prevented users from saving an updated trail
- Integrations: you can now sync your strava and komoot trails directly with wanderer. Learn more.
- Updates the trail details view to give a clearer idea of the trail's course
- Improved trail import dialog
- Duplicate detection when importing trails
- Adds option to import a trail directly from a URL
- Significant preformance improvements when displaying trails in the map view (allows for up to 500 trails to be displayed at once)
- Improves calculation of total elevation gain and loss by apllying a smoothing function (thanks @gri38)
- Fixes a bug that caused batch import jobs to fail if a filename contained a comma
- Fixes trail card height issues
- Fixes bug that caused some trails to be hidden from the list view
- Fixes response headers to be <4kB to prevent crashing default reverse proxy configs
This release introduces significant updates, including the migration of the frontend to Svelte 5. While the migration has been rigorously tested, there is a possibility that some features may not function as expected. We encourage you to report any issues you encounter. Additionally, the location search functionality has been transitioned from a locally hosted meilisearch index to nominatim. This upgrade offers substantially improved location search capabilities within wanderer. As a result, the custom meilisearch docker image (flomp/wanderer-search
) is now deprecated. You can safely replace it with the official meilisearch image (getmeili/meilisearch:v1.11.3
) in your docker-compose.yml
- Migrates to Svelte 5
- Removes the cities500 index from meilisearch
- Switches location search to nominatim
- Lists are now fuzzy searchable from the searchbar on the frontpage, in the map view and in the list view
- Fixes a bug that caused new users to not be able to save their settings
- The default language is now set to the browser language after registering a new user
- Moves the user biography out of the auth cookie to decrease cookie size
- Fixes potential XSS attack vector in waypoint and summit log map popups
- Adds page loading bar
- Improves route editor interface
- Adds location search to trail create and edit form
- You can now focus the map on your geolocation
- Updates max. photo size for waypoints, summit logs and trails to 20MB
- Fixes bug that caused new users to not be redirected after registering
- Fixes bug that caused map coordinates to not wrap properly
- Fixes bug that caused new users to not be able to create lists
- Clicking on an icon in the waypoint icon picker now picks the correct icon
- Fixes bulk auto-upload
- Deleting an account now properly cascade deltes all associated objects from the database
- New translation: Spanish (thanks to @xccose)
- Updated translations (thanks to all contributors)
- Improves loading speed of the home page
- Improves server side rendering of certain components
- Various additions across multiple languages (thanks to all contributors)
- Fixes a bug that hid the map on some sites on mobile devices
- Fixes responsive layouts on mobile devices
- Adds a profile page with timeline, trails and stats of the respective user
- Adds notifications (on the website and via email) for various events (e.g. a new comment on your trail). Notifications can be toggled in the settings.
- You can now follow other users
- Settings page overhaul:
- Clearer setting sections
- Option to add a personal biography
- New privacy settings page
- New notification settings page
- Lists can now be public
- Lists can now be filtered and sorted
- Trails can now be displayed as a table (thanks @tofublock)
- Minor quality of life improvements:
- more descriptive error messages
- uniform empty states
- Fixes bug that caused trails to not be displayed for new users
- Fixes various bugs related to improper API data validation
- Improves and updates API reference
- Improves clarity of "From source installation" guide
This release contains breaking changes. Most migrations will happen automatically, but you will need to take action in two places that will be clearly marked
- Updates to meilisearch version 0.11.3.
⚠️ meilisearch indices are not compatible across minor versions. This means you will need to rename or delete yourdata.ms
folder on your host system to force meilisearch to rebuild the index on the next start (note that this can take a little while).
- Adds password reset email function for users (see docs for more info)
- You can now add photos to your summit logs
- Complete rewrite of the map logic switching from raster to vector tiles
Settings -> Display -> Tilesets
will no longer work. You will have to delete them for the map to show correctly. Tileset URLs must now point to a valid style.json
describing a vector tileset (see docs for more info).
- 3D Terrain and Hillshading are now available (see docs fore more info)
- Adds two more default map styles: CARTO Light & Dark
- Adds loading animations for trail lists
- Fixes bug that caused a new trail to be created instead of updated when uploading a new GPS data source to an existing trail
- Fixes bug that caused trails to throw a 404 error when they had summit logs created before v0.11.0
- Waypoint markers can now also be dragged after a trail was saved
- Fixes issue with GPX export when using Google Chrome (thanks @tofublock)
As the number of contributors to this project continues to grow (which I’m very happy about), I’ve set up a Discord channel for more direct communication. If you’re interested in helping with Wanderer, feel free to join!
- Other user's profiles can now be viewed
- The summit log author is now listed in the summit log table
- The trail author is now listed for every trail
- Trails can now be filtered by author
- Users will now receive an error message when they try to upload a photo that is too large
- Updated 3D Model on front page
- Waypoints and summit logs of shared trails are now properly displayed
- Fixes missing translation for trail categories
- Fixes events in profile calendar
- Adds elevation loss to trails. Please note that trails created before this version will have a default elevation loss of 0. Edit & save to update.
- Fixes bug that caused auto-added summit logs to not have distance, durtaion etc.
- Fixes error in the auto-upload feature
- Fixes access permissions for profile page
- A summit log is now also created automatically when you upload a trail directly
- Fixes link to the API documentation in footer
- A new summit log entry is now added automatically when uploading a new GPX file for a new or existing trail
- GPX files can now be attached to summit logs
- Adds a new profile page with filterable statistics derived from summit log GPX data
- When importing a GPX file the filename will be used as a fallback
- Complete visual overhaul of the list page
- Lists can now be shared with other users
- Updates visual style for waypoints
- Fixes a bug that caused categories not to load properly on page reload
- Fixes icon picker suggestions for waypoints
- Fixes a bug that would prevent public and shared trails from showing up in the overview
- The pagination is now available at top and bottom
- HEIC image format is now supported
- Exporting only a trail without summit logs or photos will create a single file instead of a ZIP folder
- The current page is now remembered when navigating back to the trail overview
- Fixed map height when viewing a trail in detail view
- Public and shared trails can now be exported and printed
- Correctly adds the xmlns header to exported GPX files
- Fixes detail view for shared and public trails
- Fixes bug that caused the default category to be re-applied when editing a trail
- The settings page layout got a complete visual overhaul
- You can now change your email and password from the web UI
- You can import GPX, KML, TCX, and FIT files directly through the UI or using the API
- Exporting all trails at once is now possible on the settings page
- Additional custom map tile sets can now be added via the settings page
- Added multiple missing translations
- The hotline metric selector icons are now radio buttons instead of checkboxes
- Adds support for FIT files
- Fixes display issue for the filter panel in the map view
- adds Italian translation (thanks to lukasitaly)
- Icons in dropdown menus are now displaying properly again
- The trail id is now returned when using the upload API endpoint
- Icons in dropdown menus are now displaying properly again
- The trail id is now returned when using the upload API endpoint
- A warning is now displayed if the ORIGIN environment variable is misconfigured
- Fixes login for http connections
- Trails are now properly sorted across all pages
- Trail sort and sort direction are now remembered through a page reload
- You can now pick between OpenStreetMaps and OpenTopoMaps tiles
- The gradient track line can now display altitude, slope, and speed
- A waypoint's coordinates can now be inferred from a photo's EXIF data
- Added a guide for custom categories
- Fixes a bug that would show wrong comments under a trail
- Fixes an overflow issue in list views
- Settings are now created properly when signing up with OAuth
- Fixes a bug that caused properly named trails to get a generic name
- You can now share trails with other users by selecting "Share" from the trail contextmenu. You can set the permission level as "View" or "Edit".
- Adds missing translations
- Fixed a bug that prevented comments from showing up
- GPX files without a name in the metadata section will now receive a generic name when uploaded through the API
- You can now export trails as GPX or GEOJson files. Optionally you can include photos and summit book entries of the trail. This replaces the "Download GPX" function in previous versions.
- Fixed a bug that would prevent users from creating multiple summit log entries without reloading the page
- wanderer now takes the
tag into account when displaying a trail on the map - A trail's date attribute is now the current date by default
- This version updates the index pattern of the meilisearch index. Please delete your
folder before launching wanderer. The indices will be rebuilt on launch. Otherwise trail filtering will no longer work.
- Trails can now be filtered by date
- Elevation, slope and speed graphs are now also visible when creating a new trail
- When creating a new trail you now have the option to create a new route from scratch without uploading a GPX file. Press the "Draw a route" button and plan your new route directly in wanderer. We use valhalla and their associated free hosted service to calculate the routes. To activate the feature make sure to set the PUBLIC_VALHALLA_URL environment variable on you wanderer-web service. See the current docker-compose.yml for a working configuration.
- Uploaded trails will now have a date if it can be parsed from the file
- Trails can now be printed to PDF. Select "Print" from the menu when viewing a trail.
- Trails can now have a date.
- You can now comment on trails
- Adds a setting to focus the map on all trails instead of a specific location
- fixed a bug that would show a wrong date for summit logs for certain time zones (now really)
- fixed a bug that prevented waypoints from showing up in public trails
- Fixed a bug that caused a 500 Internal Error to appear when viewing trails without an account
- improves Dutch translation (thanks to Vistaus)
- Max values for elevation gain and distance filters are now dynamically calculated based on your longest trail
- Disabling username/email & password auth in PocketBase is now reflected in wanderer's login UI
- Fixed a bug that prevented import trails from appearing in map view
- adds Simplified Chinese translation (thanks to icyleaf)
- updates PocketBase to v0.22.7
- Trails can now be added to a list while editing or creating a trail. The trail must be saved at least once to add it to a list.
- wanderer now has an auto-upload folder. GPX files in this folder will be autmatically uploaded and converted to a trail. Read the docs for more information.
- addded support for TCX and KML files. Note that this feature is still experimental. Please report any issues you encounter.
- added OAuth support. Read here how to enable providers.
- fixed a bug that would show a wrong date for summit logs for certain time zones
- added client side validation for usernames
- adds French translation (thanks to seb2020)
- adds Hungarian translation (thanks to sszemtelen)
- summit book dates now show in the correct format for the current locale
- fixed a bug that would overwrite trail names and descriptions when editing a trail
- adds Dutch translation (thanks to yves-bonami)
- adds Polish translation (thanks to ludrol)
- adds Portuguese translation (thanks to poVoq)
- when creating/editing a trail you can now drag & drop photos into the photo section to upload them
- you can now attach photos to waypoints
- you can now edit the "Distance", "Elevation Gain" and "Est. Duration" fields
- waypoint markers can now be moved with drag & drop
- lists can now be displayed as a map showing all trails contained in the list
- you can now prevent users from signing up by setting the
environment variable totrue
- you can now upload GPX files via the API to create trails. Check the documentation for more info.
- the city index now includes states
Note: for city states to show up in your search you have to delete your data.ms folder if you already have a previous installation of wanderer. The indices will then be rebuilt on startup.
- added complete API documentation
- fixed a bug that would prevent trails longer than 20km from being displayed
- added BODY_SIZE_LIMIT env variable to docker compose to allow for bigger file uploads
- fixed a bug that caused only 5 trails to be shown at a time
- fixed a bug that would cause waypoints not to be deleted from the backend
- updated the default docker-compose.yml to include a secure MEILI_MASTER_KEY
- the default location field now sets the value correctly after clicking on a search result
- updated the docs to include BODY_SIZE_LIMIT
- Initial release