When sending print(p.get_values()) the PYLON low voltage Protocol RS485 document doesn't detail how I should I reply,
unless I'm missing it, anyone have any details what to send in the reply?
The normal fixed point reply does not work?
EDIT worked it out FF means all modules so you need to reply with INFO Command of the number of modules eg 01 not the normal command of the ADR.
It sends INFO of FF ( ALL modules, normally specifies 02)
7E 20 02 46 42 E002 FF CKSM 0D
I'm using this protocol document
It sends INFO of 02 as per protocol
If I reply as per the protocol I get a valid output.
// get analog value fixed point
print(p.get_values_single(2)) sends:
This one is as per the protocol asking for fixed point INFO is 02
// get analog value, float point?
This one I'm guessing is asking for float point(not is spec sheet) **INFO is FF (ALL Modules)**
print(p.get_values()) sends:
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