thank you for your library! I try to get it work, to connect to a Pylontech US3000C.
My setup:
OrangePi One with Armbian
Python 3.11
China USB to RS485 device (tried out several types)
I have set all switches of the ADD Dip switch to zero (0000). Which should be set the battery to 115200 baud.
I build two cables. One of that is a CAT7, about 8-10 meter long. I crimped a connector to it. All pins are connected to the connector on the battery side. But only pin 6,7,8 are connected to the RS485 to USB connector.
the second cable is a half meter long patch cable I cut of the second connector.
I connected it to B/RS485 and also tried out A/CAN. The pylontech documentation describes that the pin connection is the same.
In short, non of them work. I tried out different setting of the dip switch, tried out 115200 and 9600 baud.
Tried out enable/disable the CAN resistor just in case that it might change something.
In all of the videos I have seen, and threads I have read, it sounds like there is nothing more to do after you have switched on the battery. And none of them use a 120Ohm resistors.
I also tried to read the battery status using the BatteryView software on windows. But I only got an timeout message. Maybe because it require a connection to the RS232 port.
I also tried out to connect without the GND line, and exchanged pin7(A) and pin8(B) without success.
I also tried to set the ADD dip switch to 1111. but it changed nothing.
I‘m currently stuck and don’t know what else to do.
I ordered a expensive RS485 USB connector, it should be arrive today. Also I will try out to communicate to the device after 120Ohm resistors are connected.
For my heat pump (Wärmepumpe) this was required, but for the PV inverter it wasn’t.
Do you have any suggestions? An advice what to do?
In the attachment you will find a file which shows some steps that will show you the error messages of python I receive.
Also I added two „print“ calls to see if there are raw_frame data and checksums received. Which don’t.
Thank you very much in advance!