Amazing polyfill by the way, I'm using it to print headers and footers in Chrome, which to my knowledge hasn't been possible before because of a bug in Chrome.
I am listening to the regionoversetchange event to dynamically add as many regions as my content needs. In my listener callback function, if is true then I create a new region (must be a fixed height) and add any remaining content to it. This repeats until there is no more remaining content, which I know if is false. This works fine with all of my html, except for textareas that have a content height greater than the height of the region they are being put into. In this case it seems that is always true, and the listener callback is called indefinitely.
I believe this is happening because the textarea elements themselves aren't actually being split up, and so when you take a textarea that won't fit into a region and then stick it into another region with the same height as the first region, nothing really changes, and is always true.