Describe the bug
Hi, when I'm on Java, there are hidden enchantments on item, but on Bedrock there aren't...
There's enchant "Nezlomnost", don't know what it is :D Bedrock translations are a little bit weird.
To Reproduce
Use plugin that give you option to hide enchantments, like SuperLobby or something like this.
2. Then set there this option on specific item.
3. See this option on Java and Bedrock, on Java you won't see enchantment written there, but on Bedrock you will see it.
Expected behavior
It shouldn't display even on Bedrock.
Server Version and Plugins
(used paper before)
PLugins don't matter, the one I'm using is SuperLobbyDeluxe
Geyser Dump
Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Version
Additional Context
Small question, can I somehow make glasses seems better in GUI?