Describe the bug
Using custom fishing plugin, on java, the lava fishing rod's fishhooks burn but don't dissappear, but on bedrock they do.They burn and then disspear, only the hook, the other aspects of the plugin still works as if the fishhook never dissappeared and when right clicking, it fishes, additionally, on Java, you can see that the Bedrock player still has the hook in the lava while on Bedrock, they can't see that Java is fishing because the java player's fishhook burns on the Bedrock's screen. Once in the video I attached, it kinda worked like it should, but still didn't.
I also tested this on a vanilla server with only Geyser, Floodgate, CustomFishing & Protocollib. The bug is still present.
To Reproduce
- Get the custom fishing plugin from polymart, or you can check the source code on github.
- Setup a server and enable lava fishing on the plugin
- Get a rod from the plugin
- Fish in lava
Expected behaviour
The expected behavior is for it to burn as it seems to do that because its an entity, but still not die/dissapear.
Screenshots / Videos
Server Version and Plugins
This server is running Paper version git-Paper-83 (MC: 1.20.1) (Implementing API version 1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: c793bd9)
Geyser Dump
No response
Geyser Version
This server is running Geyser version 2.1.2-SNAPSHOT (git-DEV-3328bc0) (Java: 1.20, Bedrock: 1.19.80/1.19.81 - 1.20.10)
Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Device/Version
No response
Additional Context
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