Describe the bug
Bedrock players are currently unable to craft fireworks with colors and with level 2 and level 3 durations. Only level 1 fireworks can be crafted. Additionally, fireworks and firework stars do not stack correctly in the inventory.
- Players are unable to add effects to rockets using fire charges, feathers, gold nuggets, diamonds, and other materials.
- Crafting colored rockets for shops is hindered due to this bug.
- Crafted rockets do not stack normally and are spread out in the inventory.
- Firework stars also do not stack properly.
Actual Behavior:
- Players are restricted to crafting only level 1 fireworks without any added effects.
- Fireworks and firework stars are scattered throughout the inventory instead of stacking.
Additional Information:
If this is an intended change and not a bug, please notify the community so players can adjust their plans accordingly. This issue significantly impacts those who rely on crafting and selling colored rockets in the game.
- Screenshots or video evidence of the crafting process and inventory issues (if available).
To Reproduce
Steps to Reproduce:
- Attempt to craft a firework with a duration of level 2 or 3 on a Bedrock client.
- Try to add effects to the firework using fire charges, feathers, gold nuggets, or diamonds.
- Observe that the crafted firework does not accept these effects and only allows level 1 duration.
- Notice that the crafted fireworks and firework stars do not stack correctly in the inventory.
Expected behaviour
Expected Behavior:
- Players should be able to craft fireworks with durations of level 2 and 3.
- Players should be able to add various effects to their fireworks.
- Fireworks and firework stars should stack properly in the inventory.
Screenshots / Videos
Server Version and Plugins
Geyser Dump
Geyser Version
Geyser version 2.3.0-SNAPSHOT (git-master-627c2ba) (Java: 1.20.5 - 1.20.6, Bedrock: 1.20.40/1.20.41 - 1.20.80/1.20.81)
Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Device/Version
No response
Additional Context
No response