Describe the bug
When using the connectiontest command with an IPv6 (only) domain name the error is:
Got the error message: sample.ipv6-only.domain: Name has no usable address
When using the connectiontest command with an IPv6 address directly, with or without [ ], it parses the : as the port separator and fails:
Not a valid port! Specify a valid numeric port.
To Reproduce
Set up a domain name with an IPv6 record only
Run the connectiontest command on that domain e.g.,
geyser connectiontest sample.ipv6-only.domain:19132
Run the connectiontest command on an IPv6 address e.g.,
geyser connectiontest [2001:0000:130F:0000:0000:09C0:876A:130B]:19132
Expected behaviour
The connectiontest should be performed via IPv6 and pass or fail depending on if the connection to the server was tested successfully. It should not fail because it can't handle an IPv6 address.
Screenshots / Videos
No response
Server Version and Plugins
This server is running Paper version git-Paper-497 (MC: 1.20.4) (Implementing API version 1.20.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: d8d54d9 on ver/1.20.4)
AFKPlus 3.4.1
AFKPlusPrefix 1.3.5
AFKPlusRandomMessages 1.0.2
AntiCreeper 5.1
Backuper 2.0.2
BKCommonLib 1.20.4-v4
ChestCleaner 2.4.4
DatapackLoader 1.3.0
DiscordSRV 1.27.0
dynmap 3.7-beta-4-935
Dynmap-LoadedChunks 0.4
DynmapBannerMarkers 1.2.0
FileCleaner s2.0.0
floodgate 2.2.3-SNAPSHOT (b107-c4a4487)
Geyser-Spigot 2.3.2-SNAPSHOT
InfoHUD 1.5.3
ItemframeSnipper 1.0.0
LuckPerms 5.4.117
PlaceholderAPI 2.11.6
PluginManager 2.8.1
ProtocolLib 5.2.0-SNAPSHOT-679
spark 1.10.59
Train_Carts 1.20.4-v2
TrainCartsDestinationSelector 0.3
ViaVersion 4.10.2
Geyser Dump
Geyser Version
Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Device/Version
No response
Additional Context
I am running a server behind a DSLite internet connection so only IPv6 port sharing is available to me for hosting.