Describe the bug
Player heads won't always display; it's a hit-and-miss. They either display like 1 or 2, none, or they are a black box, and sometimes even just Steve. Skulls do this both on placed skulls and those in DecentHolograms (using this for the display mostly and pictures below).
To Reproduce
- Add the skulls to custom-skulls.yml
- Reload the plugin/server (did both)
- Join on bedrock client and look at the skulls
Expected behaviour
To display the correct skulls
Screenshots / Videos
Bedrock side (iPhone 16 Pro Max):
Server Version and Plugins
/version output:
25.02 08:42:15 [Server] INFO This server is running Paper version 1.21.4-147-main@3bd69f2 (2025-02-10T22:59:40Z) (Implementing API version 1.21.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
/plugins output:
25.02 08:44:04 [Server] INFO Paper Plugins: 25.02 08:44:04 [Server] INFO - MiniPlaceholders 25.02 08:44:04 [Server] INFO Bukkit Plugins: 25.02 08:44:04 [Server] INFO - ArmorStandTools, AutoUpdatePlugins, BetterTridents, BlueMap, BlueMapDeathMarkers, ChatInjector, Chunky, CountryOnJoin, CustomTime, DecentHolograms 25.02 08:44:04 [Server] INFO DiscordSRV, DivineDrop, EnchantSplitter, Essentials, EssentialsChat, EssentialsGeoIP, EssentialsSpawn, floodgate, Geyser-Spigot, GraveStonesPlus 25.02 08:44:04 [Server] INFO GSit, InvSeePlusPlus, InvSeePlusPlus_Clear, InvSeePlusPlus_Give, KeepEnchant, LuckPerms, NoBlockCreeperPlugin, PlaceholderAPI, Plan, ProtocolLib 25.02 08:44:04 [Server] INFO SilkSpawners_v2, TAB, Tebex, TorchLight, UnsafeEnchants, Vault, ViaVersion, VoteRestart, WorldEdit, WorldGuard
Geyser Dump
Geyser Version
2.6.1-b771 (git-master-9733311) (Java: 1.21.4, Bedrock: 1.21.40 - 1.21.44 - 1.21.60)
Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Device/Version
v1.21.61 (Xbox and iPhone)
Additional Context
No response