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Understanding the Config

AJ Ferguson edited this page Jan 21, 2021 · 31 revisions

This page covers basic information about the Geyser config and what each option does. Though they are explained in the configuration itself, this explains what each option does in more detail.

Bedrock Section

The options for Geyser on the bedrock-facing end. Mostly contains options for how bedrock edition will see the server.

address: The address of Geyser on the bedrock end. In most all scenarios, this should not need to be changed.

port: The port Geyser will run on. By default, it is 19132 in bedrock.

clone-remote-port: Some hosting services change your Java port everytime you start the server and require the same port to be used for Bedrock/UDP connections. This option makes the Bedrock port the same as the Java port every time you start the server. This option does not do anything on the Standalone version of Geyser.

motd1: The first line of the MOTD for Geyser.

motd2: The second line of the MOTD for Geyser. Please keep in mind, this option will only work if Geyser is shown in the Friends tab!

server-name: The world name that is shown in the top-right area of the pause screen.

Remote Section

Options for the remote (java) server.

address: The address of the Minecraft: Java Edition server you want to join. By default, this value is auto. By keeping it as auto, the address, port, and Floodgate support will be automatically configured. In standalone, keeping this as auto sets the remote address to

port: The port of the Minecraft: Java Edition server you specified in the address section.

auth-type: The authentication type of the Minecraft: Java Edition server. Valid options are online, offline, and floodgate.

Please keep in mind, what you specify in the Geyser auth-type option MUST be the same as what the remote server has (with the exception of Geyser being in online mode and remote being in offline mode). You simply cannot join an online mode server without a genuine account. If you want to allow Minecraft: Bedrock Edition accounts to join without a Minecraft: Java Edition account, see the Floodgate page.

use-proxy-protocol: Whether to enable PROXY/HAProxy protocol or not while connecting to the server. This is useful only when:

  • Your server supports PROXY protocol (it probably doesn't)
  • You run Velocity or BungeeCord with its respective option enabled.

General Options

General Geyser options that are mostly specific to Geyser itself.

floodgate-key-file: The key file path for Floodgate. Requires that you have Floodgate installed and the auth-type set to floodgate.

userAuths: A section where you can put the authentication information for your Minecraft: Java Edition account for immediate login when joining Geyser. It is advised you ONLY use this option if you are running Geyser locally and that ONLY you have access to the config as it requires you put your Minecraft: Java Edition credentials in plain text!

If your Xbox account name was Notch, your Java email was [email protected] and your password was hunter2, you would fill this into the config:

  Notch: # MCPE/Xbox username
    email: [email protected]
    password: "hunter2"

Put two spaces before the username and four spaces before the email and password.

command-suggestions: Bedrock clients freeze or crash when opening up the command prompt for the first time with a large amount of command suggestions. This config option disables command suggestions being sent to prevent any freezing. Since 1.16.100: command freezing and crashing has been largely reduced; you may no longer need this option disabled.

passthrough-motd: If the MOTD should be relayed from the remote server. Causes the motd1 and motd2 options in the bedrock section to no longer have a use.

passthrough-protocol-name: Relay the protocol name (e.g. BungeeCord [X.X], Paper 1.X) - this is only really useful when using a custom protocol name! This will also show up on sites like MCSrvStatus. <>

passthrough-players: If the current and max player counts should be relayed from the remote server.

legacy-ping-passthrough: If enabled, manually pings the server by impersonating a Minecraft client instead of using the server's API. This option should only be enabled if your MOTD or player count is not accurate, as it can cause errors especially on BungeeCord. This option does nothing on standalone.

ping-passthrough-interval: How often the fake Minecraft client should attempt to ping the remote server to update information, in seconds (a setting of 1 will ping the server every second; a setting of 3 will ping the server every three seconds). Only relevant for standalone and legacy ping passthrough. Increase the number if you're getting timeout or BrokenPipe exceptions.

max-players: The maximum amount of players shown when pinging the server. This does not actually cap how many players can join the Geyser instance at this time. The number will visually increase when pinging if the amount of players is greater, as Bedrock clients will not even attempt to join a full server.

debug-mode: If debug messages should be printed in console. Useful if you run into an error and need more context.

general-thread-pool: The amount of threads Geyser will be able to use. Higher is not always better :P.

allow-third-party-capes: If third party (Optifine, 5zig, LabyMod, etc.) capes should be displayed to the bedrock player.

allow-third-party-ears: If third party Deadmau5-style ears should be enabled. Currently only supports MinecraftCapes.

show-cooldown: Bedrock Edition currently does not have Java Edition 1.9+ combat mechanics. In order to get around this, Geyser sends a fake cooldown by sending a title message. This cooldown should not show if 1.8 combat mechanics are in use.

show-coordinates: Bedrock Edition has an option to show coordinates in the top-left part of your screen. This setting enables or disables this.

default-locale: The default locale to send to players if their locale could not be found. Check this page to find the code corresponding to your language.

chunk-caching: Cache chunks for each Bedrock player, adds support for additional sounds and fixing movement issues at the expense of slightly more RAM usage. This option is always on for Spigot as we can use the server's API to get block information at no expense.

cache-images: Specify how many days images will be cached to disk to save downloading them from the internet. A value of 0 is disabled. (Default: 0)

allow-custom-skulls: Allows custom skulls to be displayed when placed. Keeping them enabled may cause a performance decrease on older/weaker devices.

above-nether-bedrock-building: Bedrock prevents building and displaying blocks above Y127 in the Nether - enabling this config option works around that by changing the Nether dimension ID to the End ID. The main downside to this is that the sky will resemble that of the End sky in the Nether, but ultimately it's the only way for this feature to work.

force-resource-packs: Force clients to load all resource packs if there are any. If set to false, it allows the user to disconnect from the server if they don't want to download the resource packs.

xbox-achievements-enabled: Allows Xbox achievements to be unlocked. This disables certain commands so the Bedrock client can't "cheat" to get them; this cannot be worked around if you want to enable this. Commands such as /gamemode and /give will not work from Bedrock with this enabled.

Advanced Options

scoreboard-packet-threshold: Geyser updates the Scoreboard after every Scoreboard packet, but when Geyser tries to handle a lot of scoreboard packets per second can cause serious lag. This option allows you to specify after how many Scoreboard packets per seconds the Scoreboard updates will be then limited to four updates per second.

enable-proxy-connections: Allow connections from ProxyPass and Waterdog. See for assistance - use UDP instead of TCP. This option does not need to be enabled in instances like BungeeCord or Velocity.

mtu: - The internet supports a maximum MTU of 1492 but could cause issues with packet fragmentation. 1400 is the default.

use-adapters: Whether to use direct server methods to retrieve information such as block states. Turning this off for Spigot will stop NMS from being used but will have a performance impact.

Default Geyser Config:

# --------------------------------
# Geyser Configuration File
# A bridge between Minecraft: Bedrock Edition and Minecraft: Java Edition.
# GitHub:
# Discord:
# --------------------------------

  # The IP address that will listen for connections.
  # There is no reason to change this unless you want to limit what IPs can connect to your server.
  # The port that will listen for connections
  port: 19132
  # Some hosting services change your Java port everytime you start the server and require the same port to be used for Bedrock.
  # This option makes the Bedrock port the same as the Java port every time you start the server.
  # This option is for the plugin version only.
  clone-remote-port: false
  # The MOTD that will be broadcasted to Minecraft: Bedrock Edition clients. This is irrelevant if "passthrough-motd" is set to true
  motd1: "GeyserMC"
  motd2: "Another GeyserMC forced host."
  # The Server Name that will be sent to Minecraft: Bedrock Edition clients. This is visible in both the pause menu and the settings menu.
  server-name: "Geyser"
  # The IP address of the remote (Java Edition) server
  # If it is "auto", for standalone version the remote address will be set to,
  # for plugin versions, Geyser will attempt to find the best address to connect to.
  address: auto
  # The port of the remote (Java Edition) server
  # For plugin versions, if address has been set to "auto", the port will also follow the server's listening port.
  port: 25565
  # Authentication type. Can be offline, online, or floodgate (see
  auth-type: online
  # Whether to enable PROXY protocol or not while connecting to the server.
  # This is useful only when:
  # 1) Your server supports PROXY protocol (it probably doesn't)
  # 2) You run Velocity or BungeeCord with respective option enabled.
  use-proxy-protocol: false

# Floodgate uses encryption to ensure use from authorised sources.
# This should point to the public key generated by Floodgate (Bungee or CraftBukkit)
# You can ignore this when not using Floodgate.
floodgate-key-file: public-key.pem

# The Xbox/Minecraft Bedrock username is the key for the Java server auth-info.
# This allows automatic configuration/login to the remote Java server.
# If you are brave enough to put your Mojang account info into a config file.
# Uncomment the lines below to enable this feature.
#  BedrockAccountUsername: # Your Minecraft: Bedrock Edition username
#    email: [email protected] # Your Minecraft: Java Edition email
#    password: javaccountpassword123 # Your Minecraft: Java Edition password
#  bluerkelp2: 
#    email: [email protected] 
#    password: "this isn't really my password"

# Bedrock clients can freeze when opening up the command prompt for the first time if given a lot of commands.
# Disabling this will prevent command suggestions from being sent and solve freezing for Bedrock clients.
command-suggestions: true

# The following three options enable "ping passthrough" - the MOTD, player count and/or protocol name gets retrieved from the Java server.
# Relay the MOTD from the remote server to Bedrock players.
passthrough-motd: false
# Relay the protocol name (e.g. BungeeCord [X.X], Paper 1.X) - only really useful when using a custom protocol name!
# This will also show up on sites like MCSrvStatus. <>
passthrough-protocol-name: false
# Relay the player count and max players from the remote server to Bedrock players.
passthrough-player-counts: false
# Enable LEGACY ping passthrough. There is no need to enable this unless your MOTD or player count does not appear properly.
# This option does nothing on standalone.
legacy-ping-passthrough: false
# How often to ping the remote server, in seconds. Only relevant for standalone or legacy ping passthrough.
# Increase if you are getting BrokenPipe errors.
ping-passthrough-interval: 3

# Maximum amount of players that can connect
max-players: 100

# If debug messages should be sent through console
debug-mode: false

# Thread pool size
general-thread-pool: 32

# Allow third party capes to be visible. Currently allowing:
# OptiFine capes, LabyMod capes, 5Zig capes and MinecraftCapes
allow-third-party-capes: true

# Allow third party deadmau5 ears to be visible. Currently allowing:
# MinecraftCapes
allow-third-party-ears: false

# Allow a fake cooldown indicator to be sent. Bedrock players do not see a cooldown as they still use 1.8 combat
show-cooldown: true

# Controls if coordinates are shown to players.
show-coordinates: true

# The default locale if we dont have the one the client requested. Uncomment to not use the default system language.
# default-locale: en_us

# Configures if chunk caching should be enabled or not. This keeps an individual
# record of each block the client loads in. This feature does allow for a few things
# such as more accurate movement that causes less problems with anticheat (meaning
# you're less likely to be banned) and allows block break animations to show up in
# creative mode (and other features). Although this increases RAM usage, it likely
# won't have much of an effect for the vast majority of people. However, if you're
# running out of RAM or are in a RAM-sensitive environment, you may want to disable
# this. When using the Spigot version of Geyser, support for features or
# implementations this allows is automatically enabled without the additional caching
# as Geyser has direct access to the server itself.
cache-chunks: true

# Specify how many days images will be cached to disk to save downloading them from the internet.
# A value of 0 is disabled. (Default: 0)
cache-images: 0

# Allows custom skulls to be displayed. Keeping them enabled may cause a performance decrease on older/weaker devices.
allow-custom-skulls: true

# Bedrock prevents building and displaying blocks above Y127 in the Nether -
# enabling this config option works around that by changing the Nether dimension ID
# to the End ID. The main downside to this is that the sky will resemble that of
# the end sky in the nether, but ultimately it's the only way for this feature to work.
above-bedrock-nether-building: false

# Force clients to load all resource packs if there are any.
# If set to false, it allows the user to connect to the server even if they don't
# want to download the resource packs.
force-resource-packs: true

# Allows Xbox achievements to be unlocked.
# This disables certain commands so the Bedrock client can't to "cheat" to get them.
# Commands such as /gamemode and /give will not work from Bedrock with this enabled
xbox-achievements-enabled: false

# bStats is a stat tracker that is entirely anonymous and tracks only basic information
# about Geyser, such as how many people are online, how many servers are using Geyser,
# what OS is being used, etc. You can learn more about bStats here:
  # If metrics should be enabled
  enabled: true
  # UUID of server, don't change!
  uuid: generateduuid


# Geyser updates the Scoreboard after every Scoreboard packet, but when Geyser tries to handle
# a lot of scoreboard packets per second can cause serious lag.
# This option allows you to specify after how many Scoreboard packets per seconds
# the Scoreboard updates will be limited to four updates per second.
scoreboard-packet-threshold: 20

# Allow connections from ProxyPass and Waterdog.
# See for assistance - use UDP instead of TCP.
enable-proxy-connections: false

# The internet supports a maximum MTU of 1492 but could cause issues with packet fragmentation.
# 1400 is the default.
# mtu: 1400

# Whether to use direct server methods to retrieve information such as block states.
# Turning this off for Spigot will stop NMS from being used but will have a performance impact.
use-adapters: true

config-version: 4