General question of the github app roadmap! #2806
Hi guys, been a little while since I last checked in. This is probably best attentioned for: @BasThomas and @Huddie
Genuinely curious about the general roadmap of carrying this great app forward.
I handpicked several awesome issue tickets that I was excited for that either seemed to have been reviewed, ready for review or just seemingly pretty close to fully fleshed out:
#2618 - edit title
#2393 - templates
#2482 - sub/unsub
#2687 - open/closed toggle
#2106 - even this one which is at a much different progress point than the others. But at some point would be so awesome to run with designs already mocked than to keep waiting on more without realizing them
Seems like the torch has been passed to you guys. Back when Ryan was more active, the development cycles were great and frequent. I understand things change and he’s on to newer and great things, but in the most positive way possible I’m a little sad that the cycles seem to have slowed down so much. A good example is the API status error, the patch has been set, it’s been in testflight for a while. But curious what is the general holdup to eventually pushing it to the appstore (it doesn’t constitute a ton of beta testing and haven’t seen any beta testers have any issues), but sadly the app hasn’t been updated in 6+ months. And with the items I listed above, if any/most are actually good to go I’d be stoked to test them out in a new upcoming beta.
You two have been some of the most active users in this community for quite some time (and I know a lot of what we have already is due in large part to your contributions!) so please take this as a proactive and not a complaint post. But just curious if we can be a little more aggressive with taking merge requests that seem to be ready and running with them since things seen a little static lately.