Unify the parameter descriptions
Planned Format
ReturnType method_name(param_name: Type, param_two: Type) modifiers Short one line method desc Parameters: - [param param_name] ([Type]): Full param description - what it is and what format it may require - [param param_two] ([Type]): ... Returns: - [code][Type][/code] Description of what the return value is or for void: "No return value" Description: Long method description Examples: code with descriptions
As a doc comment (some parts are automatically generated and not part of the comment):
## Adds all methods from a file as hooks.[br] ## [br] ## Parameters:[br] ## - [param vanilla_script_path] ([String]): File path of the vanilla script to be hooked.[br] ## - [param hook_script_path] ([String]): Path to the mod script containing your hook methods.[br] ## [br] ## No return value[br] ## [br] ## Description:[br] ## The file needs to extend [Object].[br] ## The methods in the file need to have the exact same name as the vanilla method ## they intend to hook, all mismatches will be ignored.[br] ## See: [method add_hook][br] ## [br] ## Examples:[br] ## Addind a script hook file in [code][/code][br] ## [codeblock] ## ModLoaderMod.install_script_hooks( ## "res://tools/", ## extensions_dir_path.path_join("tools/") ## ) ## [/codeblock] static func install_script_hooks(vanilla_script_path: String, hook_script_path: String) -> void: pass
unify bbcode note/callout syntax - must be valid bbcode to look okay in engine and must be unique for us to parse into md
Planned Format
- everything between opening === and closing === is a callout
- the first line is always discarded in favor of the default titles
- optional: the type/color can be changed and a custom title can be set
- by using a (technically invalid but invisible) empty bbcode [color] tag
- example:
## ===[br] ## [b]Note:[color=note "A note on paths"][/color][/b][br] ## Your extender script doesn't have to follow the same directory path as the vanilla file, ## but it's good practice to do so.[br] ## ===[br]
tags where appropriate -
add bbcode links to mentioned classes, parameters, signals (
->[param mod_id]
...) -
add doc comment guide to
prefix non public variables with _