Main components of the Smart Card Connector App:
- PC/SC-Lite Daemon,
- CCID Free Software Driver,
- UI.
The app is bundled with a port of the PC/SC-Lite daemon. For the background, see the original documentation of the PC/SC-Lite daemon on Linux:
The daemon is ported using the Native Client technology for running inside the JavaScript-based app.
Our port of the daemon exposes the PC/SC API to other ChromeOS extensions/apps: see docs/
The app is bundled with the CCID Free Software Driver ( This driver implements talking to smart card readers that are compatible with the CCID specification.
Similar to the PC/SC-lite Daemon, the CCID Free Software Driver is ported using the Native Client technology.
The low-level USB operations are implemented using our port of the libusb library, which is redirecting all requests to the chrome.usb API (see
See docs/
Pluggable smart card reader drivers.
Currently, there's only the CCID Free Software Driver supported. We might want to extend this in the future, by exposing a new API that would allow separate ChromeOS extensions/apps to implement drivers for other devices.
- Updating the used version of the PC/SC-Lite Daemon: docs/
- Updating the used version of the CCID Free Software Driver: docs/