Feature Request
Enable users to provide PSAT CLI with custom CUJ specifications for aggregated analyses.
Currently, PSAT CLI's analysis is limited to simple loading of publicly accessible web pages. Site owners need to analyze their sites via the behavior of CUJs, which are specific to their sites. In order for PSAT CLI to be more effective, it should allow users to provide their specific CUJs as configuration files.
User Story:
As a website owner, I want to use PSAT CLI to analyze cookie usage throughout my entire site, accounting for my specific CUJ. Each CUJ may include multiple components, such as authentication, Newsletter subscriptions, shopping, etc. I want to derive configuration options for PSAT by leveraging Chrome DevTools recording to record my user journey, process the recording and have PSAT CLI to consume the result.
Enable PSAT CLI to analyze cookie usage within user journeys that include authentication and complex interactions. PSAT CLI will add support to process and execute recordings from the Chrome DevTools recorder. These recordings will capture all user interactions, navigation, and login steps, providing PSAT CLI with the complete user flow for analysis.
Acceptance Criteria:
- PSAT CLI can accept (via CLI argument) and replay user journey recordings created with the Chrome DevTools recorder.
- Recordings can include website login actions within the user flow.
- PSAT CLI analyzes and reports on cookie usage during the replay of the entire recorded user journey.
Additional Information:
Integrating DevTools recorder support will significantly enhance PSAT CLI, making it a more powerful tool for analyzing cookie usage in complex, real-world scenarios. This will help site owners better prepare for a more privacy-focused web.
In Progress