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Playground AI/ML Platform on GKE reference architecture

This quick-start deployment guide can be used to set up an environment to familiarize yourself with the architecture and get an understanding of the concepts.

NOTE: This environment is not intended to be a long lived environment. It is intended for temporary demonstration and learning purposes.


For more information about the architecture, see the Playground AI/ML Platform on GKE: Architecture document.

For an outline of products and features used in the platform, see the Platform Products and Features document.



In this guide you can choose to bring your project (BYOP) or have Terraform create a new project for you. The requirements are difference based on the option that you choose.

Option 1: Bring your own project (BYOP)

  • Project ID of a new Google Cloud Project, preferably with no APIs enabled
  • roles/owner IAM permissions on the project
  • GitHub Personal Access Token, steps to create the token are provided below

Option 2: Terraform managed project

  • Billing account ID
  • Organization or folder ID
  • roles/billing.user IAM permissions on the billing account specified
  • roles/resourcemanager.projectCreator IAM permissions on the organization or folder specified
  • GitHub Personal Access Token, steps to create the token are provided below


The default quota given to a project should be sufficient for this guide.

Pull the source code

NOTE: This tutorial is designed to be run from Cloud Shell in the Google Cloud Console.

  • Clone the repository and change directory to the guide directory

    git clone && \
    cd accelerated-platforms
  • Set environment variables

    export MLP_BASE_DIR=$(pwd) && \
    sed -n -i -e '/^export MLP_BASE_DIR=/!p' -i -e '$aexport MLP_BASE_DIR="'"${MLP_BASE_DIR}"'"' ${HOME}/.bashrc
    cd platforms/gke-aiml/playground && \
    export MLP_TYPE_BASE_DIR=$(pwd) && \
    sed -n -i -e '/^export MLP_TYPE_BASE_DIR=/!p' -i -e '$aexport MLP_TYPE_BASE_DIR="'"${MLP_TYPE_BASE_DIR}"'"' ${HOME}/.bashrc

GitHub Configuration

  • Create a Personal Access Token in GitHub:

    Note: It is recommended to use a machine user account for this but you can use a personal user account just to try this reference architecture. Ensure that your organization allows access via the access token type you select.

    Fine-grained personal access token

    • Go to and login using your credentials
    • Click "Generate new token" >> "Generate new token (Beta)".
    • Enter a Token name.
    • Select the expiration.
    • Select the Resource owner.
    • Select All repositories
    • Set the following Permissions:
      • Repository permissions
        • Administration: Read and write
        • Content: Read and write
    • Click "Generate token"

    Personal access tokens (classic)

    • Go to and login using your credentials
    • Click "Generate new token" >> "Generate new token (classic)".
    • You will be directed to a screen to created the new token. Provide the note and expiration.
    • Choose the following two access:
      • repo - Full control of private repositories
      • delete_repo - Delete repositories
    • Click "Generate token"
  • Store the token in a secure file.

    # Create a secure directory
    mkdir -p ${HOME}/secrets/
    chmod go-rwx ${HOME}/secrets
    # Create a secure file
    touch ${HOME}/secrets/mlp-github-token
    chmod go-rwx ${HOME}/secrets/mlp-github-token
    # Put the token in the secure file using your preferred editor
    nano ${HOME}/secrets/mlp-github-token
  • Set the Git environment variables in Cloud Shell

    Replace the following values:

    • <GIT_NAMESPACE> is the GitHub organization or user namespace to use for the repositories
    • <GIT_USER_EMAIL> is the email address to use for commit
    • <GIT_USER_NAME> is the GitHub account to use for authentication
  • Set the configuration variables


Project Configuration

You only need to complete the section for the option that you have selected (either option 1 or 2).

Option 1: Bring your own project (BYOP)

  • Set the project environment variables in Cloud Shell

    Replace the following values

    • <PROJECT_ID> is the ID of your existing Google Cloud project
    export MLP_STATE_BUCKET="${MLP_PROJECT_ID}-terraform"
  • Set the default gcloud project

    gcloud config set project ${MLP_PROJECT_ID}
  • Authorize gcloud

    gcloud auth login --activate --no-launch-browser --quiet --update-adc
  • Create a Cloud Storage bucket to store the Terraform state

    gcloud storage buckets create gs://${MLP_STATE_BUCKET} --project ${MLP_PROJECT_ID}
  • Set the configuration variables


You can now the Configure Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP).

Option 2: Terraform managed project

  • Set the configuration variables

    nano ${MLP_BASE_DIR}/terraform/features/initialize/
    environment_name  = "dev"
    iap_support_email = ""
    project = {
      billing_account_id = "XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX"
      folder_id          = "############"
      name               = "mlp"
      org_id             = "############"
    • environment_name: the name of the environment
    • iap_support_email: the email to use as the support contact for the IAP brand
    • project.billing_account_id: the billing account ID
    • the prefix for the display name of the project, the full name will be <>-<environment_name>

    Enter either project.folder_id OR project.org_id

    • project.folder_id: the Google Cloud folder ID
    • project.org_id: the Google Cloud organization ID
  • Authorize gcloud

    gcloud auth login --activate --no-launch-browser --quiet --update-adc
  • Create a new project

    cd ${MLP_BASE_DIR}/terraform/features/initialize
    terraform init && \
    terraform plan -input=false -out=tfplan && \
    terraform apply -input=false tfplan && \
    rm tfplan && \
    terraform init -force-copy -migrate-state && \
    rm -rf state
  • Set the project environment variables in Cloud Shell

    MLP_PROJECT_ID=$(grep environment_project_id ${MLP_TYPE_BASE_DIR}/ | awk -F"=" '{print $2}' | xargs)

You can now the Create the resources.

Configure Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP)

Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) lets you establish a central authorization layer for applications accessed by HTTPS, so you can use an application-level access control model instead of relying on network-level firewalls.

IAP policies scale across your organization. You can define access policies centrally and apply them to all of your applications and resources. When you assign a dedicated team to create and enforce policies, you protect your project from incorrect policy definition or implementation in any application.

For more information on IAP, see the Identity-Aware Proxy documentation

Configure OAuth consent screen for IAP

For this guide we will configure a generic OAuth consent screen setup for internal use. Internal use means that only users within your organization can be granted IAM permissions to access the IAP secured applications and resource.

See the Configuring the OAuth consent screen documentation for additional information

NOTE: These steps only need to be completed once for a project. If you are using the Terraform managed project option, this has already been completed for you.

  • Go to APIs & Services > OAuth consent screen configuration page.
  • Select Internal for the User Type
  • Click CREATE
  • Enter IAP Secured Application for the the App name
  • Enter an email address for the User support email
  • Enter an email address for the Developer contact information
  • Leave the default values for Scopes
  • On the Summary page, click BACK TO DASHBOARD
  • The OAuth consent screen should now look like this: oauth consent screen

Default IAP access

For simplicity, in this guide access to the IAP secured applications will be configure to allow all users in the organization. Access can be configured per IAP application or resources.

  • Set the IAP allow domain

    MLP_IAP_DOMAIN=$(gcloud auth list --filter=status:ACTIVE --format="value(account)" | awk -F@ '{print $2}')

    If the domain of the active gcloud user is different from the organization that the MLP_PROJECT_ID project is in, you will need to manually set MLP_IAP_DOMAIN environment variable

    MLP_IAP_DOMAIN=<MLP_PROJECT_ID organization domain>
  • Set the IAP domain in the configuration file

    sed -i '/^iap_domain[[:blank:]]*=/{h;s/=.*/= "'"${MLP_IAP_DOMAIN}"'"/};${x;/^$/{s//iap_domain             = "'"${MLP_IAP_DOMAIN}"'"/;H};x}' ${MLP_TYPE_BASE_DIR}/

Create the resources

Before running Terraform, make sure that the Service Usage API and Service Management API are enabled.

  • Enable Service Usage API

    gcloud services enable

  • Enable the Service Management API

    gcloud services enable

  • Ensure the endpoints are not in a deleted state

    MLP_ENVIRONMENT_NAME=$(grep environment_name ${MLP_TYPE_BASE_DIR}/ | awk -F"=" '{print $2}' | xargs)
    MLP_PROJECT_ID=$(grep environment_project_id ${MLP_TYPE_BASE_DIR}/ | awk -F"=" '{print $2}' | xargs)
    gcloud endpoints services undelete${MLP_ENVIRONMENT_NAME}.endpoints.${MLP_PROJECT_ID} --quiet 2>/dev/null
    gcloud endpoints services undelete${MLP_ENVIRONMENT_NAME}.endpoints.${MLP_PROJECT_ID} --quiet 2>/dev/null
    gcloud endpoints services undelete${MLP_ENVIRONMENT_NAME}.endpoints.${MLP_PROJECT_ID} --quiet 2>/dev/null
    gcloud endpoints services undelete${MLP_ENVIRONMENT_NAME}.endpoints.${MLP_PROJECT_ID} --quiet 2>/dev/null
  • Create the resources

    cd ${MLP_TYPE_BASE_DIR} && \
    terraform init && \
    terraform plan -input=false -var git_token="$(tr --delete '\n' < ${HOME}/secrets/mlp-github-token)" -out=tfplan && \
    terraform apply -input=false tfplan && \
    rm tfplan

    See Create resources errors in the Troubleshooting section if the apply does not complete successfully.

  • Create your environment configuration file

    sed -n -i -e '/^export MLP_ENVIRONMENT_FILE=/!p' -i -e '$aexport MLP_ENVIRONMENT_FILE="'"${MLP_ENVIRONMENT_FILE}"'"' ${HOME}/.bashrc && \
    terraform output -raw environment_configuration > ${MLP_ENVIRONMENT_FILE} && \

Review the resources

GKE clusters and ConfigSync

  • Go to Google Cloud Console, click on the navigation menu and click on Kubernetes Engine > Clusters. You should see one cluster.

  • Go to Google Cloud Console, click on the navigation menu and click on Kubernetes Engine > Config. If you haven't enabled GKE Enterprise in the project earlier, Click LEARN AND ENABLE button and then ENABLE GKE ENTERPRISE. You should see a RootSync and RepoSync object. configsync

Software installed via RepoSync and RootSync

For the playground configuration, Ray and MLflow are installed by default.

You can check the installation by executing the following commands in Cloud Shell:

  • Get cluster credentials:

    gcloud container fleet memberships get-credentials ${MLP_CLUSTER_NAME}

    The output will be similar to the following:

    Starting to build Gateway kubeconfig...
    Current project_id: mlops-platform-417609
    A new kubeconfig entry "connectgateway_mlops-platform-417609_global_mlp-dev" has been generated and set as the current context.
  • Fetch KubeRay operator CRDs

    kubectl get crd | grep ray

    The output will be similar to the following:   2024-02-12T21:19:06Z       2024-02-12T21:19:09Z   2024-02-12T21:19:12Z
  • Fetch KubeRay operator pod

    kubectl get pods

    The output will be similar to the following:

    NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    kuberay-operator-56b8d98766-2nvht   1/1     Running   0          6m26s
  • Check the namespace created:

    kubectl get ns ${MLP_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE}

    The output will be similar to the following:

    NAME      STATUS   AGE
    ml-team   Active   ##m
  • Check the RepoSync object created for the namespace:

    kubectl get reposync -n ${MLP_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE}
  • Check the raycluster in the namespace

    kubectl get raycluster -n ${MLP_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE}

    The output will be similar to the following:

    ray-cluster-kuberay   1                 1                   ready    29m
  • Check the head and worker pods of kuberay in the namespace

    kubectl get pods -n ${MLP_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE}

    The output will be similar to the following:

    NAME                                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    ray-cluster-kuberay-head-sp6dg                 2/2     Running   0          3m21s
    ray-cluster-kuberay-worker-workergroup-rzpjw   2/2     Running   0          3m21s
    mlflow-tracking-6f9bb844f9-4749n               2/2     Running   0          3m13s
  • Open the namespace's Ray dashboard

  • Open the namespace's MLFlow Tracking server


    If you get ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED or ERR_CONNECTION_RESET when trying to go to the links, the Gateway is still being provisioned. Retry in a couple of minutes.

    If you get ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH when trying to go to the links, the SSL certificate is still being provisioned. Retry in a couple of minutes.



  • Destroy the resources

    cd ${MLP_TYPE_BASE_DIR} && \
    terraform init && \
    terraform destroy -auto-approve -var git_token="$(tr --delete '\n' < ${HOME}/secrets/mlp-github-token)" && \
    rm -rf .terraform .terraform.lock.hcl

    See Cleanup resources errors in the Troubleshooting section if the destroy does not complete successfully.


You only need to complete the section for the option that you have selected.

Option 1: Bring your own project (BYOP)

  • Delete the project

    gcloud projects delete ${MLP_PROJECT_ID}

Option 2: Terraform managed project

  • Destroy the project

    cd ${MLP_BASE_DIR}/terraform/features/initialize && \
    TERRAFORM_BUCKET_NAME=$(grep bucket | awk -F"=" '{print $2}' | xargs) && \
    cp && \
    terraform init -force-copy -lock=false -migrate-state && \
    gsutil -m rm -rf gs://${TERRAFORM_BUCKET_NAME}/* && \
    terraform init && \
    terraform destroy -auto-approve  && \
    rm -rf .terraform .terraform.lock.hcl state/

Environment configuration

  • Delete the environment configuration file

  • Remove the environment configuration environment variable

    sed -i -e '/^export MLP_ENVIRONMENT_FILE=/d' ${HOME}/.bashrc

Code Repository

  • Restore modified files

    cd ${MLP_BASE_DIR} && \
    git restore \
    platforms/gke-aiml/playground/ \
    platforms/gke-aiml/playground/ \
    terraform/features/initialize/ \
    terraform/features/initialize/ \
  • Remove Terraform files and temporary files

    cd ${MLP_BASE_DIR} && \
    rm -rf \
    platforms/gke-aiml/playground/.terraform \
    platforms/gke-aiml/playground/.terraform.lock.hcl \
    terraform/features/initialize/.terraform \
    terraform/features/initialize/.terraform.lock.hcl \
    terraform/features/initialize/ \
  • Remove the environment variables

    sed \
    -i -e '/^export MLP_BASE_DIR=/d' \
    -i -e '/^export MLP_TYPE_BASE_DIR=/d' \


Create resources errors

│ Error: Error creating Client: googleapi: Error 404: Requested entity was not found.
│   with google_iap_client.ray_head_client,
│   on line ###, in resource "google_iap_client" "ray_head_client":
│  ###: resource "google_iap_client" "ray_head_client" {

The OAuth Consent screen was not configured, see the Configure OAuth consent screen for IAP section.

│ Error: googleapi: Error 400: Service<environment_name>.endpoints.<project_id> has been deleted and
will be purged after 30 days. To reuse this service, please undelete the service following, failedPrecondition
│   with google_endpoints_service.ray_dashboard_https,
│   on line ##, in resource "google_endpoints_service" "ray_dashboard_https":
│   ##: resource "google_endpoints_service" "ray_dashboard_https" {

The endpoint is in a deleted state and needs to be undeleted, run the following command and then rerun the Terraform apply.

MLP_ENVIRONMENT_NAME=$(grep environment_name ${MLP_TYPE_BASE_DIR}/ | awk -F"=" '{print $2}' | xargs)
MLP_PROJECT_ID=$(grep environment_project_id ${MLP_TYPE_BASE_DIR}/ | awk -F"=" '{print $2}' | xargs)
gcloud endpoints services undelete${MLP_ENVIRONMENT_NAME}.endpoints.${MLP_PROJECT_ID} --quiet

Cleanup resources errors

│ Error: Error waiting for Deleting Network: The network resource 'projects/<project_id>/global/networks/ml-vpc-dev'
is already being used by 'projects/<project_id>/zones/us-central1-a/networkEndpointGroups/k8s1-XXXXXXXX-ml-team-ray-cluster-kuberay-head-svc-XXX-XXXXXXXX'

There were orphaned network endpoint groups (NEGs) in the project. Delete the network endpoint groups and retry the Terraform destroy.

gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups list --project ${MLP_PROJECT_ID}

│ Error: Error waiting for Deleting Network: The network resource 'projects/<project_id>/global/networks/ml-vpc-dev'
is already being used by 'projects/<project-id>/global/firewalls/gkegw1-XXXX-l7-ml-vpc-dev-global'

There were orphaned VPC firewall rules in the project. Delete the VPC firewall rules and retry the Terraform destroy.

gcloud compute firewall-rules list --project ${MLP_PROJECT_ID}