Outline Action Item Details
Sept 15th 2024 is the reporting deadline for European Union's Energy Efficiency Directive.
The deck below offers a very high level summary of the reporting scheme for datacenters, and as you can see there appears to be come overlap between the datapoints being collected here in the RTC dataset and the ones set out in the second slide (WUE, Renewable energy use, etc)
The link below features a PDF that lists the expected datapoints - they're slightly different to the current set of columns in the RTC dataset in that they request the lowest level "input" figures, which would typically be used to then create a derived, "output" figure.
To make this more concrete, rather than just requesting Water Usage Effectiveness as a derived output figure, they request the inputs, like Total Energy Consumption for a datacentre, and then Total Water Consumption, and then share the formula they use for working out a Water usage Effectiveness / WUE figure.
As mentioned above, any datacentre representing more than 500 kW of powerdraw ought to have reported these numbers to either a national database, or an EU-wide database, and have collected this data, in order to be able to make it publicly available. I think 500 kW would include every datacentre region in Europe from Microsoft, Google, and AWS.
More info is linked below:
I'm not sure what the required mechanism is for making the datacenter information listed above publicly available. The slide deck linked above also mentions reporting this to a centralised EU database on the next slide.
I'll try to get some more information to bring to the next call in a couple of weeks when I know more, but the linked datapoints above ought to at least let us see if data we know needs to be published might be compatible with a subset of the RTC dataset.
@adrianco @seanmcilroy29 @PindyBhullar - I'm tagging you three as co-chairs and conveners.
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