networking, network design, green software principles
Alizadeh, N., Belchev, B., Saurabh, N. Kelbert, P., Castor, F. 2024. Analyzing the energy and accuracy of LLMs in software development. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2412.00329
Examines tradeoffs between model accuracy and energy consumption for LLMs.
Alizadeh et al. 2025: Language Models in Software Development Tasks: An Experimental Analysis of Energy and Accuracy.
Alizadeh, N., Belchov, B., Saurabh, N., Kelbert, P., Castor, F. 2025. Language Models in Software Development Tasks: An Experimental Analysis of Energy and Accuracy. https://arxiv.org/abs/2412.00329
Exploration of the trade-offs between model accuracy and energy consumption. The main findings are that higher energy coinsumption does not always lead to higher accuracy. Quantized versions of models can be both more efficient and more accurate compared to full-precision versions of medium sized models. No single model is suitable for all tasks in software development.
AI, genAI
Bashir, N., Donti, P., Cuff, J., Sroka, S., Ilic, M., Sze, V., Delimitrou, C., Olivetti, E. 2023. The climate and sustainability implications of Generative AI. An MIT Exploration of Generative AI, March. https://doi.org/10.21428/e4baedd9.9070dfe7.
An evaluation of our currently unsustainable approach toward Gen-AI’s development, underlining the importance of assessing technological advancement alongside the resulting social and environmental impacts.
Castano et al. 2023. Exploring the carbon footprint of Hugging Face's ML models: a repository mining study.
AI, Hugging Face, carbon
Castano, J., Martinez-Fernandez, S., Franch, X., Bogner, J. 2023. Exploring the carbon footprint of Hugging Face's ML models: a repository mining study. https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.11164
The paper aims to analyze the measurement of the carbon footprint of 1,417 ML models and associated datasets on Hugging Face, which is the most popular repository for pretrained ML models
Chen et al. 2023 FrugalGPT: how to use large language models while reducing cost and improving performance
AI, frugal AI, GPT, green computing
Chen, L., Zaharia, M., Zou, J. 2023. FrugalGPT: how to use large language models while reducing cost and improving performance. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2305.05176
Presents and discusses three strategies that can lower the cost of LLM inference, specifically a) adapting prompts, b) LLM approximation, c) LLM cascade. The authors present an example called FrugalGPT that uses a simple LLM cascade strategy.
Domingo-Reguero et al. 2025: Energy-efficient neural network training through runtime layer freezing, model quantization, and early stopping
early stopping, AI, carbon, quantization
Domingo-Reguero, A., Martinez-Fernandez, S., Verdecchia, R. 2025. Energy-efficient neural network training through runtime layer freezing, model quantization, and early stopping. Computer Standards and Interfaces, vol 92:103906.
Early stopping is the best tested method to save energy with minimal accuracy effect.
networking, network design, green software principles
Nicolas Drouant, Éric Rondeau, Jean- Philippe Georges, and Francis Lepage. Designing green network architectures using the ten commandments for a mature ecosystem. Computer Communications, 42:38–46, 2014
Applies the "ten commandments" from ecology (specifically from Benyus, 2002: Biomimicry) to green network architecture design.
model, calculation, carbon footprint, tooling
Faiz, A., Kaneda, S., Wang, R., Osi, R. 2024. Modeling the end-to-end carbon footprint of large language models. https://arxiv.org/html/2309.14393v2
Describes a model for estimating LLM carbon emissions.
AI, image classification, carbon
Gonzalez Alvarez, A., Castano, J., Franch, X., Martinez-Fernandez, S. 2024. Impact of ML optimization tactics on greener pre-trained ML models. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2409.12878.
This study aims to analyze image classification datasets and pretrained models, improve inference efficiency by comparing optimized and non-optimized models, and assess the economic impact of the optimizations.
Hall, et al., 2021. Carbon-Aware Computing for Data Centers with Probabilistic Performance Guarantees.
carbon aware, data center
Hall, S., Micheli, F., Belgioso, G., Radovanovic, A., Dorfler, F. 2021. Carbon-Aware Computing for Data Centers with Probabilistic Performance Guarantees. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2410.21510
The authors propose using day-ahead planning and real-time job placement to reduce energy consumption in dat centers.
Hoffman, et al., 2024. Improving Carbon Emissions of Federated Large Language Model Inference through Classification of Task-Specificity.
carbon footprint, machine learning, AI
Hoffman, G-D., Majuntke, V. 2024. Improving Carbon Emissions of Federated Large Language Model Inference through Classification of Task-Specificity. HotCarbon’24, July 9, 2024, Santa Cruz, CA. https://hotcarbon.org/assets/2024/pdf/hotcarbon24-final109.pdf
The authors analyzed the differences between eight different LLMs. They find that they can classify and route prompts to the most energy efficient LLM in a federation of LLMs.
Huang, J., Gopal, S. 2025. Green AI - a multidisciplinary approach to sustainability. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, Vol 24, 100536.
Correspondence article proposing framework for Green AI.
Jagannadharao et al. 2024. A beginner's guide to power and energy measurement and estimation for computing and machine learning.
power, measurement, models
Jagannadharao, A., Beckage, N., Biswas, S., Egan, H., Gafur, J., Metsch, T., Nafus, D., Raffa, G., Tripp, C. 2024. A beginner's guide to power and energy measurement and estimation for computing and machine learning. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2412.17830.
Detailed overview of power measurement and estimation for computing, including machine learning.
Lee, H-P, et al. 2025. The Impact of Generative AI on Critical Thinking: Self-Reported Reductions in Cognitive Effort and Confidence Effects From a Survey of Knowledge Workers.
Gen AI, human impacts
Lee, H-P., Sarkar, A., Tankelevitch, L., Drosos, I., Rintel, S., Banks, R., Wilson, N. 2025. The Impact of Generative AI on Critical Thinking: Self-Reported Reductions in Cognitive Effort and Confidence Effects From a Survey of Knowledge Workers. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/uploads/prod/2025/01/lee_2025_ai_critical_thinking_survey.pdf?ref=404media.co
Evidence that use of GenAI diminishes critical thinking in knowledge workers.
AI, water
Li, P., Yang, J., Islam, M., Ren, S., 2023. Making AI less thirsty - uncovering the secret water footprint of AI. https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.03271
Position paper explaining the need to include water in environmental imapct assessments for AI.
BLOOM, LLM, AI, calculation, model, carbon footprint
Luccioni, A.S., Viguier, S., Ligozat, A-L. 2022. Estimating the Carbon Footprint of BLOOM, a 176B Parameter Language Model., https://arxiv.org/abs/2211.02001
Quantifies the carbon footprint of the BLOOM model across its life cycle, with the upper estimate being ~50.5 T.
AI, power
Luccioni, A.S., Jernite, Y., Strubell, E. 2024. Power Hungry Processing: Watts Driving the Cost of AI Deployment?., https://arxiv.org/pdf/2311.16863
The authors measure the amount of energy and carbon required to perform 1000 inferences using several models. They find that multi-purpose generative architectures are far mor expensive than task specific versions. They caution that model utility should be "more intentionally weighed against increased costs in terms of energy and emissions".
carbon footprint, machine learning, AI
Patterson, D., Gonzalez, J., Hölzle, U., Le, Q., Liang, C., Munguia, L-M., Rothchild, D., So, D., Texier, M., Dean, J. 2022. The carbon footprint of machine learning training will plateau then shrink, https://arxiv.org/pdf/2204.05149
Describes four best poractises that can reduce energy used to train machine learning models by up to 100x and carbon emissions by 1000x.
carbon footprint, green computing
Pazienza, A., Baselli, G., Carlo, D.C., Trussoni, M.V. 2024. A holistic approach to environmentally sustainable computing. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, 20: 347-371, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11334-023-00548-9
Proposes the Environmentally Sustainable Computing framework and describes use-cases.
carbon awareness, data center
Koningstein R, Schneider I, Chen B, Duarte A, Roy B, et al. Carbon-aware computing for datacenters. IEEE Trans Power Syst 2023;38(2):1270–80.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TPWRS.2022.3173250, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9770383.
Describes Google's system for carbon-intelligent compute management. This is a system for scheduling workloads to minimize carbon footprints.
Ren et al. 2024: Reconciling the contrasting narratives on the environmental impact of large language models
carbon awareness, data center
Ren et al 2024 Reconciling the contrasting narratives on the environmental impact of large language models, Sci Rep 14, 26310 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-76682-6
Compares human and AI carbon emissions and discusses contrasting narratives.
carbon awareness, load shifting, scheduling, data centers
Riepen, I., Brown, T., Zavala, V.M. 2024. Spatio-temporal load shifting for truly clean computing, Advances in Applied Energy, vol 17: 100202
Load shifting between regions and times of day can be effective at reducing carbon emissions for compute tasks. The optimum strategy for time and space shifting varies between regions and times of year. Carbon efficiency also reduces cost - applying optimal load shifting strategies reduced compute cost by ~ 1.3 EUR/MWh.
Roque et al. 2024. Unveiling the Energy Vampires: A Methodology for Debugging Software Energy Consumption
calculation, green computing
Roque, E.B., Cruz, L., Durieux, T. 2024. Unveiling the Energy Vampires: A Methodology for Debugging Software Energy Consumption. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2412.10063
Presents an energy debugging methodology for identifying and isolating energy consumption hotspots in software systems.
Tasdelen et al. 2024. Enhancing green computing through energy-aware training: an early stopping perspective
green computing
Tasdelen, A., Enhancing green computing through energy-aware training: an early stopping perspective., Current Trends in Computing, Vol 2, 2: 108-139.
This study examines energy efficient model training strategies and particularly highlights the role of early-stopping.
Tkachenko, 2024: Integrating AI’s Carbon Footprint into Risk Management Frameworks: Strategies and Tools for Sustainable Compliance in Banking Sector
accounting, reporting, regulation, AI, carboin footprint
Tkachenko, 2024: Integrating AI’s Carbon Footprint into Risk Management Frameworks: Strategies and Tools for Sustainable Compliance in Banking Sector, https://arxiv.org/pdf/2410.01818
Examines the integration of AI carbon emissions into risk management frameworks in banking. The paper describes how banks can identify, assess, and mitigate the carbon emissions associated with AI within their riskmanagement frameworks, including choosing energy-efficient models, using green cloud computing, and implementing lifecycle management. Advocates aligning with global standards and points out how this can ease regulatory compliance.
AI, carbon footprint
Varoquaux, G., Luccioni, A.S., Whittaker, M. 2024. Hype, Sustainability, and the Price of the Bigger-is-Better Paradigm in AI. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2409.14160
Scrutinizes the trends and trade-offs in scaling AI and refutes two common assumptions underlying the ‘bigger-is-better’ AI paradigm: 1) performance improvements result from increased scale, and 2) large-scale models are required to solve all interesting problems. The paper argues that approach is "fragile scientifically" and has negative externalities.
Weisner et al 2021 Let’s Wait Awhile: How Temporal Workload Shifting Can Reduce Carbon Emissions in the Cloud https://arxiv.org/pdf/2110.13234Carbon-Aware Computing for Data Centers with Probabilistic Performance Guaranteesa
Weisner, P., et al. 2021. Let's wait awhile: how temporal workload shifting can reduce carbon emissions in the cloud.
scheduling, cloud, carbon-aware
Weisner, P., Behnke, I., Scheinert, D., Gontarska, K., Thamsen, L. 2021. Let's wait awhile: how temporal workload shifting can reduce carbon emissions in the cloud., https://arxiv.org/pdf/2110.13234
The authors examine the potential impact of shifting computational workloads towards times where the energy supply is expected to be less carbon-intensive.
Wolff Anthony et al. 2007. CarbonTracker: tracking and predicting the carbon footprint of training deep learning models.
calculation, accounting,
Wolff Anthony, L.E., Kanding, B., Selvan, R. 2007. CarbonTracker: tracking and predicting the carbon footprint of training deep learning models. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2007.03051
A tool for tracking and predicting the energy and carbon footprint of training DL models
Wu et al. 2025. Unveiling Environmental Impacts of Large Language Model Serving: A Functional Unit View
ai, LLMs, functional unit
Wu, Y., Hua, I., Ding, Y. 2025. Unveiling Environmental Impacts of Large Language Model Serving: A Functional Unit View. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2502.11256
The authors propose a framework called FUEL, a functional unit-based way to assess the environmental impact of serving LLMs.
Zheng et al. 2020. Mitigating curtailment and carbon emissions through load migration between data centers
curtailment, load shifting, carbon awareness, data centers
Zheng J, Chien AA, Suh S. Mitigating curtailment and carbon emissions through load migration between data centers. Joule 2020;4(10):2208–22.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.joule.2020.08.001 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2542435120303470.
Load migration can reduce renewable curtailment and GHG emissions. Existing data centers in the CAISO region can reduce up to 239 KtCO2e per year. Net abatement cost can largely stay negative
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