- SwitchyOmega or SwitchyProxy or similar
- burp and/or zap (links up)
- curl
- dirbuster and/or gobuster (links up)
- wappalyzer
- docker
- Bash Scripting: https://linuxconfig.org/bash-scripting-tutorial-for-beginners
- Python basics: https://python101.readthedocs.io/pl/latest/podstawy/index.html
- Model-View-Controller (MVC): https://realpython.com/the-model-view-controller-mvc-paradigm-summarized-with-legos/
- HTTP basics: https://sekurak.pl/protokol-http-podstawy/
- Dockera basics: https://infra.knbit.edu.pl/03-docker/
- local: here
- remote at: aghws.jctf.pl
HTTP crash course (presentation here)
- TODO: read about stuff in presentation
- how it looks like
- urls and resources
- methods and response codes
- headers, cookies, params
- content types and encodings
- dev console
- TODO: go to https://aghws.jctf.pl/lab1/strange-... somehow
@app.route('/strange-!?"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;/<string:t1>') def strange(t1): is_ok = True t1 = unquote(t1) if t1 != '!?"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;': is_ok = False if 't2=' not in request.args or request.args['t2='] != ';:/.-,+*)(\'&%$#"?!<>': is_ok = False if is_ok: return 'Ok, you made it' else: return 'Nope'
- run the code locally
- complete the challenge step by step - first get to the valid route, then one param, then another
- make debug prints in the code to uderstand what is wrong
- TODO: find what language/server the app uses
- TODO: didn't have time at the lab, but checkout
tool and use it for bruteforcing - curl
- seclists
- TODO: use python for next lab task