When parsing the following java source
import java.util.function.Function;
class C{
static void fun(Function<String,String> func1,Function<String,String> func2){
System.out.println(func1.apply("Hello")+func2.apply(" World"));
public static void main(String[] args){>s1,s2->s2);
I obtain the following Tree
CompilationUnit [0,288]
ImportDeclaration [0,36]
Name: Function [7,35]
Name: function [7,26]
Name: util [7,17]
Name: java [7,12]
ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration [37,288]
SimpleName: C [43,45]
MethodDeclaration [50,206]
Modifier: static [50,57]
SimpleName: fun [62,66]
Parameter [66,96]
ClassOrInterfaceType [66,90]
SimpleName: Function [66,75]
ClassOrInterfaceType [75,82]
SimpleName: String [75,82]
ClassOrInterfaceType [82,89]
SimpleName: String [82,89]
SimpleName: func1 [90,96]
Parameter [96,126]
ClassOrInterfaceType [96,120]
SimpleName: Function [96,105]
ClassOrInterfaceType [105,112]
SimpleName: String [105,112]
ClassOrInterfaceType [112,119]
SimpleName: String [112,119]
SimpleName: func2 [120,126]
VoidType [57,62]
BlockStmt [126,206]
ExpressionStmt [136,200]
MethodCallExpr [136,199]
FieldAccessExpr [136,147]
NameExpr [136,143]
SimpleName: System [136,143]
SimpleName: out [143,147]
SimpleName: println [147,155]
BinaryExpr [155,198]
MethodCallExpr [155,176]
NameExpr [155,161]
SimpleName: func1 [155,161]
SimpleName: apply [161,167]
StringLiteralExpr: Hello [167,175]
MethodCallExpr [176,198]
NameExpr [176,182]
SimpleName: func2 [176,182]
SimpleName: apply [182,188]
StringLiteralExpr: World [188,197]
MethodDeclaration [210,286]
Modifier: public [210,217]
Modifier: static [217,224]
SimpleName: main [229,234]
Parameter [234,248]
ArrayType [234,243]
ClassOrInterfaceType [234,241]
SimpleName: String [234,241]
SimpleName: args [243,248]
VoidType [224,229]
BlockStmt [248,286]
ExpressionStmt [258,280]
MethodCallExpr [258,279]
NameExpr [258,260]
SimpleName: C [258,260]
SimpleName: fun [260,264]
LambdaExpr [264,271]
Parameter [264,267]
SimpleName: s1 [264,267]
ExpressionStmt [268,271]
NameExpr [268,271]
SimpleName: s1 [268,271]
LambdaExpr [271,278]
Parameter [271,274]
SimpleName: s2 [271,274]
ExpressionStmt [275,278]
NameExpr [275,278]
SimpleName: s2 [275,278]
It seems that LambdaExpr [264,271]
and LambdaExpr [271,278]
should have same depth.
Possible causes:
When processing node which is instance of UnknownType
(thus node.range==null)
(e.g. first child node of Parameter [264,267]
or Parameter [271,274]
In class gen/javaparser/JavaParserVisitor
method pushNode(Node n, String label)
, line88 throws NoSuchElementException, thus the node is not pushed to this.context
. However when return to method visitPreOrder(Node node)
line62 this.trees
is still popped, causes all subsequent nodes to have reduced depth.