Any thoughts on solving the issue of installing something like your project in a bathroom?
Pre-requisite problems in my head (1- I don't know materials engineering 2 - I don't know much electrical engineering)
Your online cut-to-size vendor link warns:
Not for use with high humidity or contact with water.
And, elsewhere, I found another short explanation:
Acrylics tend to absorb moisture. High humidity levels may cause temporary warpage to the material. The warpage is characteristic of the material and should be considered in the design of the product or application.
Anyways, not to mention there's the problem of running constant USB power cable through your wall-mount, which, as most bathroom building in the developed world require GFCI protection. Maybe you could update your design or documentation with links to stuff like this GFCI USB/AC adapter available for sale at on Amazon - you probably would want a certified electrician still installing it for you of course...