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HMDA Platform


For more information on HMDA, checkout the About HMDA page on the CFPB website.

The HMDA Platform

The new HMDA Platform (“V2”) was totally updated over the past year to utilize a more flexible and resilient approach (Kubernetes Microservices) in order to better serve our customers. This repository contains the code for the entirety of the HMDA platform backend. This platform has been designed to accommodate the needs of the HMDA filing process by financial institutions, as well as the data management and publication needs of the HMDA data asset.

The HMDA Platform uses sbt's multi-project builds, each project representing a specific task. The platform is an Akka Cluster application that can be deployed on a single node or as a distributed application. For more information on how Akka Cluster is used, see the documentation here

The HMDA Platform is composed of the following modules:

Parser (JS/JVM)

Module responsible for reading incoming data and making sure that it conforms to the HMDA File Specification

Data Validation

Module responsible for validating incoming data by executing validation rules as per the Edit Checks documentation


Module responsible for persisting information into the system. It becomes the system of record for HMDA data


Module responsible for managing the various cluster roles, as well as starting the Hmda Platform


This module contains both public APIs for HMDA data for general use by third party clients and web applications, as well as endpoints for receiving data and providing information about the filing process for Financial Institutions

API Model

This module contains objects and JSON protocols for use by the API project


This module is responsible for interacting with the back-end database, as well as conversion between model objects and database objects.


This module is responsible for parsing and persisting a CSV-format panel file

Model (JS/JVM)

This module is responsible for maintaining the objects used in our platform


This module is responsible for geographic translation (e.g. state number -> state code)


This module generates Aggregate and Disclosure reports, as required by HMDA statute.



Java 9 SDK

The HMDA Platform runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and requires the Java 9 JDK to build and run the project. This project is currently being built and tested on Oracle JDK 9. See Oracle's JDK Install Overview for install instructions.

The HMDA Platform should also run on JDK 8.


The HMDA Platform is written in Scala. To build it, you will need to download and install Scala 2.12.x

In addition, you'll need Scala's interactive build tool sbt. Please refer to sbt's installation instructions to get started.

Project structure

The HMDA Platform is divided into individual projects, each responsible for a subset of the functionality, as follows:


This is the main filing application, exposing the APIs necessary to upload, validate and store HMDA files.


Microservice that exposes functionality to create a check digit from a loan id, and to validate Univeral Loan Identifiers

Building and Running

Running from the SBT prompt

  • To run the project from the SBT prompt for development purposes, issue the following commands on a terminal:
$ sbt
sbt:root> project hmda-platform
sbt:hmda-platform> reStart

Building and running the .jar

  • To build JVM artifacts, from the sbt prompt first choose the project you want to build and use the assembly command:
$ sbt
sbt:root> project check-digit

This task will create a fat jar, which can be executed on any JDK9 compliant JVM:

java -jar target/scala-2.12/check-digit.jar

Building and running the Docker image

  • To build a Docker image that runs the hmda-platform as a single node cluster, from the sbt prompt:
sbt:root> project hmda-platform
sbt:hmda-platform> docker:publishLocal

This task will create a Docker image. To run a container with the HMDA Platform filing application as a single node cluster:

docker run --rm -ti -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 -p 8082:8082 -p 19999:19999 hmda/hmda-platform

The same approach can be followed to build and run Docker containers for the other microservices that form the HMDA Platform.

Certain environment variables can be passed in to set the log level of the micro service


Running the application in clustered mode (mesos)

  • The script in the mesos folder describes the deployment through Marathon on a DCOS / Mesos cluster.

For a 3 node cluster deployed through the DC/OS CLI, the following command can be used:

dcos marathon app add mesos/hmda-platform-host-mode.json

For more details, please refer to the Marathon Documentation


API Documentation


Data Specifications