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Comment-formatting is completely broken, both due to Fixedgq and GetTypescriptIndent #247




At the moment, the Fixedqg function for formatexpr completely breaks comment-formatting.

If I place the cursor as indicated in the below snippet,

class Foo {
   * ⁁I love chocolate oat cake apple pie ice cream jelly-o sweet. Sweet roll jujubes gummi bears soufflé cotton candy. Shortbread muffin bear claw muffin marshmallow donut I love bonbon jelly. Gingerbread sweet chocolate oat cake I love I love.

... and attempt to use Vim's built-in gq comment-formatting mechanism (:set textwidth=80 fo+=cq], then use gqq or gq{motion}) … absolutely nothing happens. The extremely-long line stays all in one line.

If I disable the Fixedgq added by this plugin (:set formatexpr&), then it formats, but it gets super-weird and janky, because the indentexpr setting is attempting to take control inside comments:

class Foo {
   * I love chocolate oat cake apple pie ice cream jelly-o sweet. Sweet roll jujubes gummi bears
  * soufflé cotton candy. Shortbread muffin bear claw muffin marshmallow donut I love bonbon jelly.
    * Gingerbread sweet chocolate oat cake I love I love.

The only way I've found to restore natural gq functionality is to disable both, which requires creating two separate dang files, unfortunately:

" $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/after/ftplugin/typescript.vim
setl formatexpr&
" $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/after/indent/typescript.vim
setl indentexpr&

Then I get sane output:

class Foo {
   * I love chocolate oat cake apple pie ice cream jelly-o sweet. Sweet roll jujubes gummi bears
   * soufflé cotton candy. Shortbread muffin bear claw muffin marshmallow donut I love bonbon jelly.
   * Gingerbread sweet chocolate oat cake I love I love.

Getting gq working in comments properly is probably going to require a couple of changes to the indent-handling function; but I strongly suggest the user be allowed to entirely desable the "fixed" gq function. I'm perfectly happy with how vim's built-in gq operates; I don't what whatever 'fixes' this plugin is trying to apply! D:




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